
Tech Talk on Power Use of VIM

Charles Brian Quinn

1 min read

Sep 29, 2011

Tech Talk on Power Use of VIM

This week’s Tech talk at Highgroove HQ is on Power VIM. Or, rather, using the vim editor to be an ultra-productive coder

Mike Skalnik showed off his vim setup, and focused on how he uses it to be more productive. He can edit Ruby and Ruby on Rails projects similar to how TextMate (preferred by other Highgroovers), but with some nifty power tricks up his sleeve like searching, finding recent files, editing multi-lines, having vim auto-correct his code (and find typos and errors)!

If you’re interested in learning more about VIM, Mike says to definitely check out the vim tutorial (it’s included with vim), and use the vim wiki. His main advice was to just give it a shot, and go all in. Realize that once you start you will be not as productive, but then your productivity will go through the roof.

Zack Simon

Reviewer Big Nerd Ranch

Zack is an Experience Director on the Big Nerd Ranch design team and has worked on products for companies ranging from startups to Fortune 100s. Zack is passionate about customer experience strategy, helping designers grow in their career, and sharpening consulting and delivery practices.

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