Serving you Better: A New Structure for our Team
If you’ve been a fan of the Ranch for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that we’ve grown… a lot… very quickly.
1 min read
Sep 22, 2011
This week’s Tech Talk was on the Heroku Cedar Stack support for Rails applications. Stafford Brooke demoed his most recent application for a client that makes use of all the new capabilities of the stack, including very cool scaling and background processing, making it super easy to scale client applications cost effectively.
Deploying an application the Cedar Stack with Heroku means our clients can spend less time futzing over deployment and questions about “can it scale as we grow” and more time on what their customers want.
We can’t put up the screencast or talk, since it was some internal client code, but there are plenty of resources out there on hosting Rails with the new stack.
Our Tech Talks are held every other week. We choose a new piece of technology that makes us more productive, is cool, emerging, or just plain fun, and demo to each other. It helps us to all be more productive, learn from each other, and use the best tools!
If you’ve been a fan of the Ranch for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that we’ve grown… a lot… very quickly.
I’m excited to share with you some great news about Highgroove Studios. As of yesterday afternoon, we have merged with the Big Nerd Ranch.