
Rails Marketecture Diagram

Charles Brian Quinn

1 min read

Apr 20, 2009

Rails Marketecture Diagram

I’ve updated my course material for the class I’m teaching at the Big Nerd Ranch next week. We’re teaching Ruby and Ruby on Rails in a 7-day, intensive course for those new to programming and those who want an in-depth exposure to Ruby before diving into Rails.

I wanted to share this diagram I made for the new Rails 2.3.2 architecture – a mix between Marketing material and Architecture diagram that I’m calling a “Marketecture” diagram:

In addition to talking about Rails’ semi-new focus on RESTful controllers, there’s even a section on Test-Driven Development with Rails with the new TestCase libraries.

Zack Simon

Reviewer Big Nerd Ranch

Zack is an Experience Director on the Big Nerd Ranch design team and has worked on products for companies ranging from startups to Fortune 100s. Zack is passionate about customer experience strategy, helping designers grow in their career, and sharpening consulting and delivery practices.

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