Serving you Better: A New Structure for our Team
If you’ve been a fan of the Ranch for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that we’ve grown… a lot… very quickly.
You may have noticed a change of scenery on the Highgroove Studios site, and (for those of you not in feedreaders) this blog.
We’ve taken a good look back at where Highgroove has been, and a bigger look at where we’re going.
Here’s a highlight reel from the new web presence:
We’ve got Andre Lewis (also known as Rails guru, technology expert, published author, geo-location extraordinaire, Alcatraz-swimmer, nice guy). Andre has joined the Highgroove team as a Partner.
We’ve got products. Placeshout and Scout (limited client-only) are up and kicking!
We’ve got vision. We’re still focusing on our sweet spot – solving complex problems with simple solutions. Making web applications easier to use. Making technology easier to understand. Embracing constraints. Leveraging Ruby and the Ruby on Rails framework.
We’ve got great clients. Fortune 500s, government agencies, educational institutions, DemoGOD winners, Salesforce-award-winners, and very happy companies of all sizes and shapes.
Check out our new site.
If you’ve been a fan of the Ranch for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that we’ve grown… a lot… very quickly.
I’m excited to share with you some great news about Highgroove Studios. As of yesterday afternoon, we have merged with the Big Nerd Ranch.