iOS MacYou can find all sorts of interesting and useful stuff in Apple’s header files. Don’t be afraid to explore them. I usually troll through...
Ancient City Ruby 2013
Back-End Conferences Full-Stack WebJay Hayes recaps his experience at Ancient City Ruby 2013.
Clojure/West 2013
ConferencesI stumbled from the red-eye into the airport shortly after dawn. Bleary-eyed and back on the ground in Atlanta at last, Clojure/West, and its...
The Write Stuff
Leveling UpIf anyone would have told me 30 years ago that I’d actually enjoy writing, that I’d look forward to writing something new, that I’d...
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of TDD
DesignIn 1960, Eugene Wigner published a paper titled “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences.” In it, Wigner discusses one of the...
The Ranch at CocoaConf/DC
Conferences iOS MacJust got back from the DC area, where some fellow Ranchers and I went to CocoaConf. If you’re not familiar with CocoaConf, it’s a...
Community and Python
Back-End Conferences Full-Stack WebIt was a pretty big adventure for me to attend PyCon, flying across the country to a conference I’d never attended before so I...
Incremental Arrayification
iOS MacSimple questions can be fun. A friend in the Pittsburgh CocoaHeads said “Hey MarkD. We’re having a discussion at work on the right way...