Why Accessibility in Tech is Vitally Important
Accessibility DesignA well-designed and thoughtful app experience makes people happy. Happy people make for loyal customers. The more loyal customers your application has, the happier...
A well-designed and thoughtful app experience makes people happy. Happy people make for loyal customers. The more loyal customers your application has, the happier...
Continuous Integration, or CI, is a process. It’s a series of steps designed to produce great products and to help teams work more efficiently....
Continuous Integration is the practice of developers merging their code at regular points throughout the entire project. See how it can help your project...
Developers are excited about official support for Kotlin on Android, but what does this mean for business owners? Is this a positive change, or...
Chris has been lucky enough to read the 3rd edition of *Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide* early (because he helped write it)...
When the design support library dropped a few months ago, Android developers were given all kinds of goodies. But there is something mysterious lurking...
Android developers spend a lot of time developing tablet versions of their applications.
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