
Big Nerd Ranch

3 min read

Jul 9, 2019

User Experience Tops Priority List for Website Build

Big Nerd Ranch Drinks Their Own Champagne

Atlanta, GA, June 26, 2019 — In the wake of a recent rebranding, Big Nerd Ranch is focused on evolving its image into a multifaceted digital organization fostering creation and learning. Its new website has been designed to offer a seamless online experience, quickly deliver the information visitors are looking for, as well as giving easy access for customers to interact with the Big Nerd Ranch and each other.

Created with the user in mind, the site includes many new features to enhance the visitor experience. The new features include:

  • Streamlined interface for easy site operation 
  • Visual appeal that aligns with the Big Nerd Ranch brand
  • Search functionality to facilitate content navigation
  • Mobile compatibility to take Big Nerd Ranch on-the-go

“We have 90,000+ reasons every single month to make sure our website helps visitors quickly understand how we can add value to their lives,” said Nikki Porter, Director of Marketing. “We thrive in a market where people are busy. We value their time by helping them get to what they need faster while enjoying the scenery along the way.” 

According to recently published Gartner research, it is critical for companies like Big Nerd Ranch to “understand where the customer is in their journey… [so] they will be able to shift to a more engaging and valuable customer experience.“ The new website is designed to engage with visitors so they feel confident sharing information that allows Big Nerd Ranch to apply situational thinking to present only the services that fit their specific needs.

The new website focuses on helping visitors solve their immediate and long-term problems by sharing customer success stories that offer practical guidance of how they solved a variety of problems. They display authentic and current testimonials that quickly show Big Nerd Ranch’s credibility, appealing to all clients ranging from startups to mature tech organizations. 

Now, it is even easier to access the best-selling collection of coding books and to choose ways to stay up-to-date with Big Nerd Ranch, including the weekly newsletters and the Hero Community, an online forum of alumni and instructors answering questions and engaging with each other. Big Nerd Ranch is maintaining its well-known personality while creating an online presence to match its expert team of developers and designers.

It was imperative to build a website that maintains the trust and credibility Big Nerd Ranch has built over almost 20 years. To align with revised brand guidelines, the website will feature a bold and warm look that gives prospective clients a feel for Big Nerd Ranch as a company. The redesign ensures an effortless experience for those interested in Big Nerd Ranch, connecting clients to their desired resources while not losing a critical human element. Though Big Nerd Ranch has always had a positive reputation as skilled developers and instructors, a new site was important to show the company’s position as a creative thought leader in the tech industry. With its new website, Big Nerd Ranch looks forward to providing customers with an efficient, meaningful website experience and building brilliance in the digital space.

About Big Nerd Ranch

Big Nerd Ranch is a digital development firm based in Atlanta, GA with senior engineers who are also world-renowned authors, instructors, developers and designers. Since 2001, Big Nerd Ranch has been partnering with companies — from startups to Fortune 100s — to build brilliance through innovative digital product development and training that empowers individuals and organizations to dream big and achieve more. Big Nerd Ranch helps technology leaders and digital product owners take their products from “visionary” to “market advantage.”

Big Nerd Ranch has one of the most exclusive, immersive developer and designer training programs in the world to accommodate various training needs and learning styles. Their training models include offsite, immersive Bootcamps where developers spend up to one week in a totally immersive learning environment, onsite Team Training where instructors travel to client sites, and Online Screencast Subscription service to supplement recent trainings.

Media Contact:

Nikki Porter

Director of Marketing

(770) 817-6373

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