Swift Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (3rd Edition)

Through this swift programming guide’s carefully constructed explanations and app development examples, you will develop an understanding of Swift language, grammar and the elements of effective Swift style – all thoroughly revised for Swift 5.3 and Xcode 12.
Based on Big Nerd Ranch’s popular Swift programming language training and its well-tested materials and methodology, this guide teaches concepts and coding through hands-on exercises from experienced Swift developers. You will explore Swift program features in Xcode playgrounds, and you will end by building sample apps for the command line and for macOS and for iOS apps for apple devices such as iPad, iPhone, etc. iOS. Build your confidence to become a certified Swift developer.
What you’ll learn:
- Organize data with the common standard library collection types.
- Handle errors with the throw/catch pattern.
- Define custom enumerations, structures, and classes.
- Understand object initialization, lifetime, and memory management.
- Deal with the absence of values using the Optional type.
- Write flexible code and functional programming with protocols, extensions, and generics
- Based on Big Nerd Ranch’s popular Swift programming language training and its well-tested materials and methodology, this guide teaches concepts and coding through hands-on exercises from experienced Swift developers. You will explore Swift program features in Xcode playgrounds, and you will end by building sample apps for the command line and for macOS and for iOS apps for apple devices such as iPad, iPhone, etc. iOS. Build your confidence to become a certified Swift developer.