Serving you Better: A New Structure for our Team
If you’ve been a fan of the Ranch for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that we’ve grown… a lot… very quickly.
We’ve got an amazing team of personable, optimistic, trusting, true-craftsmen developers (and a whip-smart office manager) at Highgroove.
We’d love to keep everyone on the team happy, productive, and with us for a long, long time. However, we realize that even our team of A-players may become ready to move on to different opportunities. We have alumni from Highgroove at some of the coolest companies in the world: Scout, Twitter, Github, and Scoutmob to name a few.
When it’s time for a Highgroover to move on, we have an awesome Exit Interview we give.
Our Exit Interview gives us the opportunity to ask some really biting questions like:
What was least satisfying about your job?
What would you change about your job?
Based on your experience with us, what do you think it takes to succeed at this company?
In addition to some other questions that toot our own horn, it’s important to ask critical questions about how to improve the organization. We take pride in our extensive Interview Process, so why skimp on the Exit Interview Process?
Here’s our Exit Interview, on Google Docs. If you have any additions, or find it useful, let us know.
If you’ve been a fan of the Ranch for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that we’ve grown… a lot… very quickly.
I’m excited to share with you some great news about Highgroove Studios. As of yesterday afternoon, we have merged with the Big Nerd Ranch.