
Metaprogramming and Ruby on Rails


4 min read

Jun 26, 2006

Metaprogramming and Ruby on Rails

Metaprogramming is your secret identical twin that likes doing all of the things you don’t. Need to take out the trash? Just tell your twin. Need to program in Java? Send your twin an email.

Metaprogramming, defined as writing code that writes code by Why The Lucky Stiff, makes scaffolding, associations, validations, and the many magical parts of Rails possible. Implementing metaprogramming techniques can drastically eliminate duplicate code, making your applications far easier to maintain and build. It also lets your code do the work – not you., a client project of ours, is a collaboration site for college students. It has several administration areas that are almost identical, but not a good fit for Rail’s standard scaffolding. The solution to eliminating duplicate code: roll our own metaprogramming solution.

h3. The problem

Every school in CampusSync has on-campus events, organizations, shared files, comments, and more. The CampusSync staff needs to review this content. We need to be able to search and view items, sort, edit, etc. So how can we go about this without creating separate views and controller actions for each type of reviewable class?

Our End Goal

 class CommentsController < ActionController      school_item_scaffold :comment end

Isn’t the above code pretty? One line of code adds all the functionality we need.

How to Get There

1. Write Your Tests

Let’s write a simple test to check our FilesController#list action. The FilesController lets administrator review uploaded files.

   def test_list     get :list, :school =>     assert_response :success     assert assigns(:file_records).any?   end

2. Create a module with the custom scaffolding behavior.

I created a file called “acts_as_school_item.rb” and placed it in the “/lib” folder of the CampusSync application.

3. Load the file when starting the Rails application by placing the lines below in “/config/environment.rb”.

 require 'acts_as_school_item' ActionController::Base.send(:include,ActionController::Acts::SchoolItem )

3. Setup the basic module structure.

Below is the typical structure of a metaprogramming module.

 module ActionController   module  Acts      module SchoolItem       def self.included(base)         base.extend(ClassMethods)         end              module  ClassMethods         # The method that attaches this behavior to the controller.         def school_item_scaffold(model,options = {})                      module_eval <<-CODE             # we'll define our scaffolded actions in here           CODE          end # school_item_scaffold       end # Class Methods     end # SchoolItem   end # Acts end # ActionController

4. Add Our Scaffolding Functionality

We’ll create the shared views in app/views/admin/school_items/. For now, let’s just add a non-metaized #list action:

 def list     @school = School.find(params[:school])     @file_records = @school.file_records     paginate_file_records     render :action => 'list'   end alias index list

And here it is after meta-izing the #list action:

 module ActionController   module  Acts     module SchoolItem       def self.included(base)         base.extend(ClassMethods)         end              module  ClassMethods         # Adds custom scaffolding for viewing a school's associated +model+ objects.          #          # Options:         #   - klass: The class of the model object         #   - friendly_name: A human name to use when referring to the +model+ objects in the views.          #   - pluralized_name: Defines how we retrieve the records from the school and the instance variable         #                      that contains the items in the +list+ action.          #   - per_page: Number of records to display per-page in the list view.         def school_item_scaffold(model,options = {})           klass = model.constantize           write_inheritable_attribute(:school_item_options, {             :klass => klass,             :friendly_name => klass.to_s,             :pluralized_name => klass.to_s.tableize,             :per_page => 50           }.merge(options))           class_inheritable_reader :school_item_options            module_eval <<-CODE             def list               @school = School.find(params[:school])               @#{school_item_options[:pluralized_name]} = @school.#{school_item_options[:pluralized_name]}                              paginate_#{school_item_options[:pluralized_name]}                              render :template => 'admin/school_items/list'             end             alias index list                          private                          def paginate_#{school_item_options[:pluralized_name]}               @pages,@#{school_item_options[:pluralized_name]} = paginate_collection(@#{school_item_options[:pluralized_name]},                                                        :per_page => #{school_item_options[:per_page]},                                                       :page => params[:page])             end           CODE         end # school_item_scaffold       end # ClassMethods     end # SchoolItem   end # Acts end # ActionController

Code Explained

When #school_item_scaffold is called inside of a controller, we place all of the options in the school_item_options inheritance attribute. We can access this attribute from inside the ClassMethods module and from our views (<%= controller.school_item_options %>).

After we set this inheritance attribute, we then build the actions. In this case, we are just creating a #list action and a private method to paginate the results. And that’s it!

We can now add our customized scaffolding to any controller:

 class Admin::EventsController < AbstractAdminController   school_item_scaffold :event end

When CampusSync adds more reviewable content, we won’t have to create any duplicate code, and we have less code to maintain.

Juan Pablo Claude

Reviewer Big Nerd Ranch

During his tenure at BNR, Juan Pablo has taught bootcamps on macOS development, iOS development, Python, and Django. He has also participated in consulting projects in those areas. Juan Pablo is currently a Director of Technology focusing mainly on managing engineers and his interests include Machine Learning and Data Science.

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