Getting Started with Testing: Unit Testing or BDD with Rspec
Back-End Full-Stack WebIf you’re just getting started with testing (and general test-first or test-driven development) in your Ruby and Ruby on Rails applications, you have a...
Highgroove featured on the Ruby on Rails Podcast
Back-End Full-Stack WebWe recently sat down with Geoffrey Grosenbach for the Ruby on Rails Podcast and talked about Scout, PlaceShout, working as a remote team, and...
Hands on with Scout at Atlanta Ruby User Group
Back-End Full-Stack WebLast night, I demoed Scout to a room-full of Rubyists at the Atlanta Ruby User Group Meeting.
Lessons from the Trenches at Acts As Conference
Back-End Full-Stack WebFor those who missed my talk at the most excellent Acts As Conference put on by the good folks at Rails For All in...
Auto-Login for Any URL in Rails
Back-End Full-Stack WebOne of our current projects at Highgroove sends a lot of email to its users. It essentially walks them through a process and...
See PlaceShout, Other New Apps at SF Beta Tonight
Back-End Full-Stack WebAndre and I will be at SF Beta tonight demoing PlaceShout, our short-form local reviews service.
We Love Open Source
Back-End Full-Stack WebI had an unusual Christmas Eve. While my wife was entertaining the family, I was in my office programming until nearly midnight. (Have...
Be smart about your technical debt
Back-End Full-Stack WebMuch of what Rails provides to get your apps up and running isn’t optimized for performance. It’s crafted to be more efficient for developers,...
Highgroove Studios at acts_as_conference Feb 8-9
Back-End Conferences Full-Stack WebJust a quick note that I’ll be speaking on “Lessons from the Trenches “ Learning from the Rails Bootcamp at the regional Ruby on...
When not to use technology
Back-End Full-Stack WebAs technologists and especially programmers we are always expected to automate as much of any process as we can. In general, this is...