Jonathan Martin - Big Nerd Ranch Tue, 19 Oct 2021 17:46:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Don’t Over React! Rendering Binary Data Mon, 04 Dec 2017 10:00:00 +0000 With modern browser APIs, handling large binary files is safe and effective.

The post Don’t Over React! Rendering Binary Data appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.


Sooner or later, your React web app will probably accept file uploads—perhaps to change out a user’s avatar or share images on a social site.

In modern browsers, the story for working with binary data is downright impressive thanks to objects like File, Blob and ArrayBuffer. You can even store large complex binary data directly in the browser with IndexedDB!

But working with binary data in a sandboxed tab is different from how a backend or native desktop app handles it. If you read in a 5MB image to a String, you will probably crash the tab. Read in 10 images simultaneously and you may crash the browser!

Luckily, JavaScript exposes natively implemented APIs to handle chunks of binary data. With some creativity, you can have the user’s browser pull its own weight, like resizing images on the front-end before upload. But before you create your own React-powered Hipstergram, it’s important to understand the performance implications of binary data in a web app.

Recap: File Objects and Blobs

The browser can’t directly access the file system for security reasons, but users can drop files into the browser with drag-and-drop.

Here’s a barebones React component that accepts a file, like an image:

let Drop = () =>
  <div onDragOver={e => e.preventDefault()}
       onDrop={e => {
         let file = e.dataTransfer.files[0]
       } }

Once the user drags-and-drops an image onto this <Drop> component, they probably expect to see a thumbnail-sized preview in the browser. The browser provides access to read in the file contents in a few formats like a String or ArrayBuffer, but each image could be 5 MB; drop 10 in the browser and you have 50 MB strings in memory!

So instead of directly returning a String or ArrayBuffer, the browser returns a Blob object. A Blob is essentially a pointer to a data source—it could point to a file on disk, an ArrayBuffer, streaming data, etc. Specifically, the e.dataTransfer.files array holds one or more File objects, which are Blobs with some extra metadata. File objects come with a few more properties, like the source file’s name.

To display the image in the DOM, e.g. with an <img /> tag, you can ask the browser for an ephemeral URL to the Blob object. This URL will only be valid while the tab is open:

let file = e.dataTransfer.files[0]
let url = URL.createObjectURL(file)
// => "blob:http://localhost:3000/266c0711-76dd-4a24-af1f-46a8014204ff"

You can use a blob: URL wherever you would put any other URL—like http://localhost:3000/images/logo.png—and it just works!

The Trouble with “Just Rerender”

How do you use blob: URLs in React? Here’s a simple React app that accepts a dropped image and renders it on screen:

class App extends Component {
  state = { file: null }

  onDrag = event => {

  onDrop = event => {
    let file = event.dataTransfer.files[0]
    this.setState({ file })

  render() {
    let { file } = this.state
    let url = file && URL.createObjectURL(file)

    return (
      <div onDragOver={this.onDrag} onDrop={this.onDrop}>
        <p>Drop an image!</p>
        <img src={url} />

The App component starts without any file; when an image file is dropped onto the <div> element, it updates the state and rerenders with a Blob URL. Easy peasy!

But what happens if this component’s props or state changes? Let’s add a counter that changes 10 times a second:

 class App extends Component {
-  state = { file: null }
+  state = { file: null, counter: 0 }

+  refresh = () => {
+    this.setState(({ counter }) => ({ counter: counter + 1 }))
+  }

+  componentDidMount() {
+    this.timer = setInterval(this.refresh, 100)
+  }

+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    clearInterval(this.timer)
+  }

   onDrag = event => {

   onDrop = event => {
     let file = event.dataTransfer.files[0]
     this.setState({ file })

   render() {
     let { file } = this.state
     let url = file && URL.createObjectURL(file)

     return (
       <div onDragOver={this.onDrag} onDrop={this.onDrop}>
         <p>Drop an image!</p>
         <img src={url} />

This forces React to rerender the <App> component 10 times a second. That’s fine since React is designed to handle this well, but there’s a problem: the blob: URL changes on every rerender! We can confirm this from the Sources panel in Chrome:

A long list of duplicate blob: URLs

It seems the inline call to URL.createObjectURL() creates tons of extra blob: URLs that never get cleaned up: we’re leaking memory! Changing the URL every single rerender also causes the DOM to change, so sometimes the image will flicker since the browser’s caching mechanism doesn’t know the old and new blob: URLs point to the same image.

High CPU usage

At a rerender rate of just 10 times a second, CPU usage explodes to an entire core and bloats memory usage. Eventually garbage collection will catch up, but at the cost of even more CPU usage.

Solution #1: Memoize in Class Component

For our trivial example, we can introduce an easy fix: just create the Blob URL once and store it in the <App> component’s state:

 class App extends Component {
-  state = { file: null, counter: 0 }
+  state = { url: '', counter: 0 }


   onDrop = event => {
     let file = event.dataTransfer.files[0]
-    this.setState({ file })
+    this.setState({ url: URL.createObjectURL(file) })

   render() {
-    let { file } = this.state
-    let url = file && URL.createObjectURL(file)
+    let { url } = this.state

     return (

That totally works, but only if you plan to do nothing else with the data. After the file is dropped, you will likely need to pass the original Blob object around to other React components, perhaps to store it in IndexedDB or upload it with FormData.

Solution #2: It’s Just an Object, Add a Property!

What if we just passed around the immutable Blob object, but added a url property to it with the memoized Blob URL?

 class App extends Component {

   render() {
     let { file } = this.state
-    let url = file && URL.createObjectURL(file)
+    let url = file && blobUrl(file)

     return (
let blobUrl = blob => {
  if (!blob.url) {
    blob.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
  return blob.url

That one change brings down CPU usage to near zero! But… we violated a design principle by modifying an object—the Blob object—from an API that we don’t own.

Make sure your company is positioned for success with these mobile app tips!

Solution #3: Global Variable

What if we passed around the Blob object, but instead of modifying it, we stored the generated Blob URL in a big lookup table that only the blobUrl() function can access?

Sounds like a global variable, right?

let hash = file => `${}:${file.type}:${file.size}`

let urls = {}
let blobUrl = blob => {
  let key = hash(blob)
  if (!urls[key]) {
    urls[key] = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
  return urls[key]

It’s a great idea, but difficult to execute because the keys in a Plain Ol’ JavaScript Object must be strings, so we can only make a best effort at creating a collision-resistant key per Blob object.

While this will likely work for File objects, it won’t do for Blob objects: they don’t have a .name property, so the likelihood of a key collision would be much higher.

The only real way to create a unique hash per Blob object is to tag each Blob object with a unique ID, but then we’re back to modifying the Blob object. However, we’re on the right track.

Solution #4: ES2015 Maps

We need a map type that accepts objects as keys. The POJO won’t do that, but the Map datatype introduced in ES2015 will! Each object has a unique identity because it has its own pointer (place in memory). The Map datatype uses that pointer as the key, so entries are guaranteed to be collision-free!

let urls = new Map()

let blobUrl = blob => {
  if (urls.has(blob)) {
    return urls.get(blob)
  } else {
    let url = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
    urls.set(blob, url)
    return url

Boom! But we introduced a subtle problem: we’re leaking memory.

That’s right! In JavaScript we normally don’t manually manage memory, but that doesn’t “free” you from thinking about memory management!

JavaScript employs several strategies and heuristics for efficient garbage collection (like reference counting and generational garbage collection), but we can assume that objects are garbage collected when they are no longer “reachable.”

The urls local variable is in scope and reachable during the app’s entire lifetime. All keys and values in a Map stick around explicitly until removed. So unless we explicitly delete entries from the Map, the Blob objects and blob: URLs will always be reachable—they’ll never be garbage collected. We’re leaking memory!

Solution #5: ES2015 WeakMaps

What if we had a Map datatype that doesn’t prevent the keys from being garbage collected, and automatically deletes the key-value pair once the object becomes unreachable?

That’s precisely what a WeakMap does! It allows us to associate data with an object, but without modifying the original object. A WeakMap behaves like weak references do in Swift and Objective C. Think of them as a noncommittal friend: “If no one needs you, neither do I.”

-let urls = new Map()
+let urls = new WeakMap()

 let blobUrl = blob => {
   if (urls.has(blob)) {
     return urls.get(blob)
   } else {
     let url = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
     urls.set(blob, url)
     return url

WeakMaps are a great way for third-party libraries to “tag” external objects without modifying them. They’re especially useful for adding application-wide memoization.

Here’s the final solution for performant, flicker-free Blob previews:

let urls = new WeakMap()

let blobUrl = blob => {
  if (urls.has(blob)) {
    return urls.get(blob)
  } else {
    let url = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
    urls.set(blob, url)
    return url

class App extends Component {
  state = { file: null, counter: 0 }

  refresh = () => {
    this.setState(({ counter }) => ({ counter: counter + 1 }))

  componentDidMount() {
    this.timer = setInterval(this.refresh, 100)

  componentWillUnmount() {

  onDrag = event => {

  onDrop = event => {
    let file = event.dataTransfer.files[0]
    this.setState({ file })

  render() {
    let { file } = this.state
    let url = file && blobUrl(file)

    return (
      <div onDragOver={this.onDrag} onDrop={this.onDrop}>
        <p>Drop an image!</p>
        <img src={url} />

To reuse blob: URLs throughout your React application, just extract blobUrl() to its own utility file and invoke it directly from any component’s render() method! Or better yet, use stateless functional components.


JavaScript is well-equipped to deal efficiently with large chunks of memory, but you have to determine the best way to represent them. When possible, it’s best to use Blob URLs to keep them outside the JavaScript VM’s memory. Objects stored in global variables will never be garbage collected, but WeakMaps are a great solution to break reference cycles.

ES2015 data structures like WeakMaps and ES2017 async functions highlight just how dedicated the JavaScript language is to high-performance modern application development!

Are you ready to build ambitious web and backend applications with next-generation JavaScript? Join us for a Front-End Essentials bootcamp, or we’ll come to you through our team training program.

The post Don’t Over React! Rendering Binary Data appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.

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DESTROY ALL CLASSES: Turn React Components Inside Out with Functional Programming Tue, 18 Jul 2017 10:00:00 +0000 With React's stateless functional components, you can create ambitious apps that are 98% plain ol' JavaScript. This design encourages component purity and makes it trivial to test our components, but there's a catch: you can't use state or lifecycle hooks. In this real-world example, we'll use **functional programming** and **higher-order components** to turn class-based React Components into stateless functional components.

The post DESTROY ALL CLASSES: Turn React Components Inside Out with Functional Programming appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.


React is pretty awesome, and with stateless functional components you can create ambitious apps that are 98% plain ol’ JavaScript (optionally JSX), and are very lightly coupled to the framework.

Minimizing the surface area between React and your codebase has amazing benefits:

  1. Framework updates will have little effect on your code.
  2. You can easily write isolated unit tests, instead of UI integration tests.

There’s an important catch to stateless functional components: you can’t use state or lifecycle hooks. However, this design encourages component purity and makes it trivial to test our components — after all, it’s just a function that maps data to virtual DOM!

“Great, but I’m not building a static page — I need state, so I can’t use stateless functional components!”

In a well-written React app, stateless functional components will cover most of your UI code, but an app’s complexity typically relates to state management. To help bug-proof the remainder of our codebase, we are going to turn class-based React Components into stateless functional components with functional programming and higher-order components (HOC) to isolate state from our pure components.

If you aren’t familiar with higher-order components, you may want to check out the official React guides first.

What Are The Benefits?

Why will destroying all classes with functional programming and higher-order components improve your codebase?

Imagine an app where all state is isolated, the rest of your app is a pure function of that state, and each layer of your component tree is trivial to debug directly from the React DevTools. Relish the thought of reliable hot module reloading in your React Native app.

Higher-order components are the ultimate incarnation of composition over inheritance, and in the process of turning our class components inside-out, subtle dependencies and nasty bugs pop right to the surface.

By avoiding classes, we can prevent a super common source of bugs: hidden state. We’ll also find testing gets easier as the software boundaries become self-evident.

Because higher-order components add behavior through composition, you can reuse complex state logic across different UIs and test it in isolation! For example, you can share a data fetching higher-order component between your React web app and React Native app.

Example: Refactoring a React Native component

Let’s look at a real-world example from a React Native project. The VideoPage component is a screen in the mobile app that fetches videos from a backend API and displays them as a list. The component has been tidied up a bit to remove distractions but is unchanged structurally.

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { ScrollView, Text, View } from 'react-native'

import Loading from 'components/loading'
import Video from 'components/video'
import API from 'services/api'

class VideoPage extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { data: null }

  async fetchData(id) {
    let res = await API.getVideos(id)
    let json = await res.json()
    this.setState({ data: json.videos })

  componentWillMount() {

  renderVideo(video) {
    return (
      <Video key={} data={video} />

  renderVideoList() {
    if ( > 0) {
      return =>
    } else {
      return (
          <Text>No videos found</Text>

  buildPage() {
    if ( {
      return (
            { ? <Text>{}</Text> : null }
    } else {
      return <Loading />

  render() {
    return this.buildPage()

export default VideoPage

At 65 lines of code, the VideoPage component is pretty simple but hides a lot of edge cases. Although there’s some syntactic noise that could be removed to bring down the line count a bit, the deeper issue is the high branching complexity and conflation of responsibilities. This single component fetches data, branches on load status and video count, and renders the list of videos. It’s tricky to test these behaviors and views in isolation, extract behaviors (like data fetching) for reuse or add performance optimizations.

Rather than jump to the end solution, it’s more instructive to see the process. Here’s our five-step roadmap to turn VideoPage inside out and destroy all classes!

  1. Turn instance methods into stateless functional components
  2. Extract remaining instance methods to plain functions
  3. Extract branching complexity with higher-order components
  4. Create a data fetching higher-order component
  5. Compose behaviors into a single enhance() function

1. Turn instance methods into stateless functional components

Our first step is to cut down on instance methods, so let’s start by extracting .buildPage(), .renderVideo() and .renderVideoList() from the VideoPage class and make them top-level functions.

 class VideoPage extends Component {

-  renderVideo(video) {
-    ...
-  }

-  renderVideoList() {
-    ...
-  }

-  buildPage() {
-    ...
-  }


+let renderVideo = video => {
+  ...

+let renderVideoList = () => {
+  ...

+let buildPage = () => {
+  ...

Hmm, those look like components now! Let’s rename renderVideoList() and inline renderVideo().

-let renderVideo = video => { ... }

-let renderVideoList = () => {
+let VideoList = () => {
   if ( > 0) {
     return =>
-      this.renderVideo(video)
+      <Video key={} data={video} />
   } else {

Now that the new VideoList component doesn’t have access to this, we need to directly pass the data it needs as props. A quick scan through the code shows we just need the list of videos.

-let VideoList = () => {
+let VideoList = ({ videos }) => {
-  if ( > 0) {
+  if (videos.length > 0) {
-    return =>
+    return =>

Hey look, we have a pure component now! Let’s do the same to buildPage(), which is really the heart of the VideoPage component.

-let buildPage = () => {
+let VideoPage = ({ data }) => {
-  if ( {
+  if (data) {
     return (
-          <Text>{}</Text>
+          <Text>{data.title}</Text>
-          { ? <Text>{}</Text> : null }
+          { data.description ? <Text>{data.description}</Text> : null }
-          {this.renderVideoList()}
+          <VideoList videos={data.videos} />

To finish wiring things up, let’s rename the original VideoPage class component to VideoPageContainer and change the render() method to return our new stateless functional VideoPage component.

-class VideoPage extends Component {
+class VideoPageContainer extends Component {


   render() {
-    return this.buildPage()
+    return <VideoPage data={} />

-export default VideoPage
+export default VideoPageContainer

So far, here’s what we have:

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { ScrollView, Text, View } from 'react-native'

import Loading from 'components/loading'
import Video from 'components/video'
import API from 'services/api'

class VideoPageContainer extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { data: null }

  async fetchData(id) {
    let res = await API.getVideos(id)
    let json = await res.json()
    this.setState({ data: json.videos })

  componentWillMount() {

  render() {
    return <VideoPage data={} />

let VideoList = ({ videos }) => {
  if (videos.length > 0) {
    return =>
      <Video key={} data={video} />
  } else {
    return (
        <Text>No videos found</Text>

let VideoPage = ({ data }) => {
  if (data) {
    return (
          { data.description ? <Text>{data.description}</Text> : null }
          <VideoList videos={data.videos} />
  } else {
    return <Loading />

export default VideoPageContainer

We have successfully split the monolithic VideoPage component into several subcomponents, most of which are pure and stateless. This dichotomy of smart vs. dumb components will set the stage nicely for further refactoring.

2. Extract remaining instance methods to plain functions

What about the remaining instance methods? Let’s move the .fetchData() method outside the class to a top-level function and rewire componentDidMount() to invoke it.

-  componentWillMount() {
+  async componentWillMount() {
-    this.fetchData(
+    this.setState({ data: await model(this.props) })


-async fetchData(id) {
+let model = async ({ id }) => {
   let res = await API.getVideos(id)
   let json = await res.json()
-  this.setState({ data: json.videos })
+  return json.videos

Since we need the lifecycle hook to instantiate data fetching, we can’t pull out the .componentWillMount() method, but at least the logic for how to fetch the data is extracted.

3. Extract branching complexity with higher-order components

The VideoList component could stand to be broken down into subcomponents so it’s easier to debug the if branches. Let’s extract the two cases into their own stateless functional components:

+let VideoListBase = ({ videos }) =>
+  <View>
+    { =>
+      <Video key={} data={video} />
+    ) }
+  </View>
+let NoVideosFound = () =>
+  <View>
+    <Text>No videos found</Text>
+  </View>
 let VideoList = ({ videos }) => {
   if (videos.length > 0) {
-    return =>
-      <Video key={} data={video} />
-    )
+    return <VideoListBase videos={videos} />
   } else {
-    return (
-      <View>
-        <Text>No videos found</Text>
-      </View>
-    )
+    return <NoVideosFound />

Hmm, the current VideoList component is nothing more than an if statement, which is a common component behavior. And thanks to functional programming, behaviors are easy to reuse through higher-order components.

There’s a great library for reusable behavior like branching: Recompose. It’s a lightly coupled utility library for creating higher-order components (which are really just higher-order functions).

Let’s replace VideoList with the branch higher-order component.

+import { branch, renderComponent } from 'recompose'

-let VideoList = ({ videos }) => {
-  if (videos.length > 0) {
-    return <VideoListBase videos={videos} />
-  } else {
-    return <NoVideosFound />
-  }
+let VideoList = branch(
+  ({ videos }) => videos.length === 0,
+  renderComponent(NoVideosFound)

When there are no videos, the branch() higher-order component will render the NoVideosFound component. Otherwise, it will render VideoListBase.

A higher-order component is usually curried. The first invocation accepts any number of configuration arguments — like a test function — and the second invocation accepts only one argument: the base component to wrap. Currying doesn’t seem to gain us anything yet, but later when we stack several higher-order components together, the currying convention will save us some boilerplate and make testing really elegant.

Take a look at some of these Recompose recipes for more inspiration.

4. Create a data fetching higher-order component

We’re nearly done! VideoPageContainer is now a generic, reusable “smart component” that fetches data asynchronously and passes it as a prop to another component. Let’s turn VideoPageContainer into our own higher-order component, called withModel():

+let withModel = (model, initial) => BaseComponent =>
-  class VideoPageContainer extends Component {
+  class WithModel extends Component {
     constructor(props) {
-      this.state = { data: null }
+      this.state = { data: initial }


     render() {
-      return <VideoPage data={} />
+      return <BaseComponent data={} />

The function signature of withModel() indicates that the first invocation should provide a function for fetching the necessary data, followed by an initial value for the data while it is loading. The second invocation takes the component to wrap, and returns a brand new component with data fetching behavior.

To use withModel(), let’s invoke it with the VideoPage stateless functional component and export the result.

-export default VideoPageContainer
+export default withModel(model, null)(VideoPage)

The withModel() higher-order component will definitely be useful for other components in the app, so it should be moved to its own file!

5. Compose behaviors into a single enhance() function

Currying the withModel() higher-order component has an elegant benefit: we can stack more “behaviors” with Recompose utilities! Similar to our work with the VideoList and NoVideosFound components, let’s extract the if (data) edge cases from VideoPage with the branch() higher-order component to render the Loading component while the data is being fetched:

-import { branch, renderComponent } from 'recompose'
+import { branch, renderComponent, compose } from 'recompose'


-let VideoPage = ({ data }) => {
+let VideoPage = ({ data }) =>
-  if (data) {
-    return (
-    )
-  } else {
-    return <Loading />
-  }

+export let enhance = compose(
+  withModel(model, null),
+  branch(
+    ({ data }) => !data,
+    renderComponent(Loading)
+  )

-export default withModel(model, null)(VideoPage)
+export default enhance(VideoPage)

The compose() utility saves us from deeply nested parentheses and linearizes stacked behaviors into a single function, conventionally called enhance(). Hurray for clean git diffs!

And now the VideoPage “dumb component” focuses solely on the happy path: when there is data and at least one video to display. By reading the enhance function from top to bottom, we can quickly parse out other behaviors or even add new ones, e.g. performance optimizations with onlyUpdateForKeys().

Final Result

After a few more tweaks, here is the completed VideoPage component in 52 lines of code (also on Github):

import React from 'react'
import { ScrollView, Text, View } from 'react-native'
import { compose, branch, renderComponent } from 'recompose'

import Loading from 'components/loading'
import Video from 'components/video'
import API from 'services/api'
import withModel from 'lib/with-model'

let VideoPage = ({ data }) =>
      { data.description ? <Text>{data.description}</Text> : null }
      <VideoList videos={data.videos} />

let VideoListBase = ({ videos }) =>
    { =>
      <Video key={} data={video} />
    ) }

let NoVideosFound = () =>
    <Text>No videos found</Text>

let VideoList = branch(
  ({ videos }) => videos.length === 0,

let model = async ({ id }) => {
  let res = await API.getVideos(id)
  let json = await res.json()
  return json.videos

export let enhance = compose(
  withModel(model, null),
    ({ data }) => !data,

export default enhance(VideoPage)

Not bad! At a glance, we can see the happy path for rendering VideoPage, how it fetches data, and how it handles the load state. When we add new behaviors in the future, we will only add new code instead of modifying existing code. So in a way, functional programming helps you write immutable code!

Interestingly, every component and function (except model()) is an arrow function with an implied return. This isn’t just about syntactic noise: the implied return makes it harder to sneak in side effects! The code looks like a strict “data in, data out” pipeline. The implied return also discourages you from assigning to local variables, so it is hard for ugly interfaces to hide when all destructuring must happen in the parameter list. And to add impure behaviors like performance optimization or handlers, you are naturally forced to use higher-order components.

We can even test the component’s enhancer in isolation by stubbing out the VideoPage component:

import { enhance } from 'components/video-page'

it('renders when there is data', () => {
  let Stub = () => <a>TDD FTW</a>

  let Enhanced = enhance(Stub)

  /* Perform assertions! */

Back when rendering was tangled up in instance methods, our only hope of extracting behaviors was through inheritance, e.g. mixins. But now we can reuse behaviors through straightforward function composition. The inside-out transformation also highlights that VideoList should be extracted to its own module, video-list.js.

It’s a wrap, err, sandwich

Functional programming recipes and patterns go a long way to creating elegant, resilient, and test-friendly code by minimizing the surface area between our code and the framework. Whether you are creating a React web app or React Native app, higher-order components are a particularly powerful technique because they encourage composition over inheritance.

With functional programming, we can build React components that resemble a tasty sandwich, where we can peel back each ingredient and debug layer-by-layer. By contrast, class-based components are a burrito wrap with potato salad.

Interested in learning next-generation JavaScript for the web platform? Join us for a Front-End Essentials bootcamp, or we’ll come to you through our team training program.

The post DESTROY ALL CLASSES: Turn React Components Inside Out with Functional Programming appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.

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Cross Stitching: Elegant Concurrency Patterns for JavaScript Wed, 31 May 2017 10:00:53 +0000 You've probably heard statements like "JavaScript is a toy language because it doesn't support multithreading." But in fact, JavaScript is well-suited for a plethora of concurrency problems while avoiding common multithreading gotchas. You might say JavaScript is single-threaded… just so it can be multithreaded! But you'll need some patterns to write concurrent code that is performant *and* readable. Enter the **Async IIFE.**

The post Cross Stitching: Elegant Concurrency Patterns for JavaScript appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.


“JavaScript is single-threaded, so it doesn’t scale. JavaScript is a toy language because it doesn’t support multithreading.” Outside (and inside) the web community, statements like these are common.

And in a way, it’s true: JavaScript’s event loop means your program does one thing at a time. This intentional design decision shields us from an entire class of multithreading woes, but it has also birthed the misconception that JavaScript can’t handle concurrency.

But in fact, JavaScript’s design is well-suited for solving a plethora of concurrency problems without succumbing to the “gotchas” of other multithreaded languages. You might say that JavaScript is single-threaded… just so it can be multithreaded!

Recap: Concurrency

You may want to do some homework if “concurrency” and “parallelism” are new to your vocabulary. TL;DR: for simple programs, we usually write “sequential” or (“serial”) code: one step executes at a time, and must complete before the next step begins. If JavaScript could perform a “blocking” AJAX request with ajaxSync(), serial code might look like this:

console.log('About to make a request.');
let json = ajaxSync('');
console.log('Finished the request.');

  => About to make a request.
  ... AJAX request runs ...
  ... a couple seconds later ...
  ... AJAX request finishes ...
  => { all: ['the', 'things'] }
  => Finished the request.

Until the AJAX request completes, JavaScript pauses (or “blocks”) any lines below from executing. In contrast, concurrency is when the execution of one series of steps can overlap another series of steps. In JavaScript, concurrency is often accomplished with async Web APIs and a callback:

console.log('About to make a request.');
ajaxAsync('', json => {
  console.log('Finished the request.');
console.log('Started the request.');

  => About to make a request.
  ... AJAX request runs in the background ...
  => Started the request.
  ... a couple seconds later ...
  ... AJAX requests finishes ...
  => { all: ['the', 'things'] }
  => Finished the request.

In this second version, the AJAX request only “blocks” the code inside the callback (logging the AJAX response), but the JavaScript runtime will go on executing lines after the AJAX request.

Recap: Event Loop

The JavaScript runtime uses a mechanism, called the “event loop,” to keep track of all in-progress async operations so it can notify your program when an operation finishes. If you are unfamiliar with the event loop, check out Philip Robert’s exceptional 20 minute overview from ScotlandJS: “Help, I’m stuck in an event-loop.”

Thanks to the event loop, a single thread can perform an admirable amount of work concurrently. But why not just reach for multithreading?

Software is harder to write (and debug) when it constantly switches between different tasks through multithreading. So unlike many languages, JavaScript finishes one thing at a time—a constraint called “run-to-completion”—and queues up other things to do in the background. Once the current task is done, it grabs the next chunk of work off the queue and executes to completion.

Since the JavaScript runtime never interrupts code that is already executing on the call stack, you can be sure that shared state (like global variables) won’t randomly change mid-function—reentrancy isn’t even a thing! Run-to-completion makes it easy to reason about highly concurrent code, for which reason Node.js is so popular for backend programming.

Although your JavaScript code is single-threaded and only does one thing at a time, the JavaScript Runtime and Web APIs are multithreaded! When you pass a callback function to setTimeout() or start an AJAX request with fetch(), you are essentially spinning up a background thread in the runtime. Once that background thread completes, and once the current call stack finishes executing, your callback function is pushed onto the (now empty) call stack and run-to-completion. So your JavaScript code itself is single-threaded, but it orchestrates legions of threads!

However, we need some patterns to write concurrent code that is performant and readable.

Recap: Promise Chaining

Suppose we are building a media library app in the browser and are writing a function called updateMP3Meta() that will read in an MP3 file, parse out some ID3 metadata (e.g. song title, composer, artist) and update a matching Song record in the database. Assuming the read(), parseMP3() and Song.findByName() functions return Promises, we could implement it like this:

let read     = (path) => { ... }; // returns a Promise
let parseMP3 = (file) => { ... }; // returns a Promise
let Song = {
  findByName(name) { ... } // returns a Promise

let updateMP3Meta = (path) => {
  return read(path)
    .then(file => {
      return parseMP3(file).then(meta => {
        return Song.findByName( => {
          Object.assign(song, meta);

It does the job, but nested .then() callbacks quickly turn into callback hell and obscure intent… and bugs. We might try using Promise chaining to flatten the callback chain:

let updateMP3Meta = (path) => {
  return read(path)
    .then(file => parseMP3(file))
    .then(meta => Song.findByName(
    .then(song => {
      Object.assign(song, meta);

This reads nicely, but unfortunately it won’t work: we can’t access the file variable from the second .then() callback, nor meta from the third .then() anymore! Promise chaining can tame callback hell, but only by forfeiting JavaScript’s closure superpowers. It’s hardly ideal—local variables are the bread-and-butter of state management in functional programming.

Recap: Async Functions

Luckily, ES2017 async functions merge the benefits of both approaches. Rewriting our updateMP3Meta() as an async function yields:

let updateMP3Meta = async (path) => {
  let file = await read(path);
  let meta = await parseMP3(file);
  let song = await Song.findByName(;
  Object.assign(song, meta);

Hooray! async functions give us local scoping back without descending into callback hell.

However, updateMP3Meta() unnecessarily forces some things to run serially. In particular, MP3 parsing and searching the database for a matching Song can actually be done in parallel; but the await operator forces Song.findByName() to run only after parseMP3() finishes.

Working in Parallel

To get the most out of our single-threaded program, we need to invoke JavaScript’s event loop superpowers. We can queue two async operations and wait for both to complete:

let updateMP3Meta = (path) => {
  return read(path)
    .then(file => {
      return Promise.all([
    .then(([meta, song]) => {
      Object.assign(song, meta);

We used Promise.all() to wait for concurrent operations to finish, then aggregated the results to update the Song. Promise.all() works just fine for a few concurrent spots, but code quickly devolves when you alternate between chunks of code that can be executed concurrently and others that are serial. This intrinsic ugliness is not much improved with async functions:

let updateMP3Meta = async (path) => {
  let file = await read(path);
  let metaPromise = parseMP3(file);
  let songPromise = Song.findByName(;

  let meta = await metaPromise;
  let song = await songPromise;

  Object.assign(song, meta);

Instead of using an inline await, we used [meta|song]Promise local variables to begin an operation without blocking, then await both promises. While async functions make concurrent code easier to read, there is an underlying structural ugliness: we are manually telling JavaScript what parts can run concurrently, and when it should block for serial code. It’s okay for a spot or two, but when multiple chunks of serial code can be run concurrently, it gets incredibly unruly.

We are essentially deriving the evaluation order of a dependency tree… and hardcoding the solution. This means “minor” changes, like swapping out a synchronous API for an async one, will cause drastic rewrites. That’s a code smell!

Real Code

To demonstrate this underlying ugliness, let’s try a more complex example. I recently worked on an MP3 importer in JavaScript that involved a fair amount of async work. (Check out “Encore, JavaScript! Create an MP3 Reader with DataViews + TextDecoder” or the parser source code if you’re interested in working with binary data and text encodings.)

The main function takes in a File object (from drag-and-drop), loads it into an ArrayBuffer, parses MP3 metadata, computes the MP3’s duration, creates an Album in IndexedDB if one doesn’t already exist, and finally creates a new Song:

import parser from 'id3-meta';
import read from './file-reader';
import getDuration from './duration';
import { mapSongMeta, mapAlbumMeta } from './meta';
import importAlbum from './album-importer';
import importSong from './song-importer';

export default async (file) => {
  // Read the file
  let buffer = await read(file);

  // Parse out the ID3 metadata
  let meta = await parser(file);
  let songMeta = mapSongMeta(meta);
  let albumMeta = mapAlbumMeta(meta);

  // Compute the duration
  let duration = await getDuration(buffer);

  // Import the album
  let albumId = await importAlbum(albumMeta);

  // Import the song
  let songId = await importSong({
    ...songMeta, albumId, file, duration, meta

  return songId;

This looks straightforward enough, but we’re forcing some async operations to run sequentially that can be executed concurrently. In particular, we could compute getDuration() at the same time that we parse the MP3 and import a new album. However, both operations will need to finish before invoking importSong().

Our first try might look like this:

export default async (file) => {
  // Read the file
  let buffer = await read(file);

  // Compute the duration
  let durationPromise = getDuration(buffer);

  // Parse out the ID3 metadata
  let metaPromise = parser(file);
  let meta = await metaPromise;

  let songMeta = mapSongMeta(meta);
  let albumMeta = mapAlbumMeta(meta);

  // Import the album
  let albumIdPromise = importAlbum(albumMeta);

  let duration = await durationPromise;
  let albumId = await albumIdPromise;

  // Import the song
  let songId = await importSong({
    ...songMeta, albumId, file, duration, meta

  return songId;

That took a fair amount of brain tetris to get the order of awaits right: if we hadn’t moved getDuration() up a few lines in the function, we would have created a poor solution since importAlbum() only depends on albumMeta, which only depends on meta. But this solution is still suboptimal! getDuration() depends on buffer, but parser() could be executing at the same time as read(). To get the best solution, we would have to use Promise.all() and .then()s.

To solve the underlying problem without evaluating a dependency graph by hand, we need to define groups of serial steps (which execute one-by-one in a blocking fashion), and combine those groups concurrently.

What if there was a way to define such a dependency graph that’s readable, doesn’t break closures, doesn’t resort to .then(), and doesn’t require a library?

Async IIFEs

That’s where async IIFEs come in. For every group of serial (dependent) operations, we’ll wrap them up into a micro API called a “task”:

let myTask = (async () => {
  let other = await otherTask;
  let result = await doCompute(other.thing);
  return result;

Since all async functions return a Promise, the myTask local variable contains a Promise that will resolve to result. I prefer to call these *Task instead of *Promise. Inside the async IIFE, operations are sequential, but outside we aren’t blocking anything. Furthermore, inside a task we can wait on other tasks to finish, like otherTask, which could be another async IIFE.

Let’s turn the getDuration() section into a task called durationTask:

let durationTask = (async () => {
  let buffer = await readTask;
  let duration = await getDuration(buffer);
  return duration;

Since these tasks are defined inline, they have access to variables in the outer closure, including other tasks!

Refactoring into Async Tasks

Let’s refactor the entire importer with async IIFEs, or “tasks”:

export default async (file) => {
  // Read the file
  let readTask = read(file);

  // Parse out the ID3 metadata
  let metaTask = (async () => {
    let meta = await parser(file);
    let songMeta = mapSongMeta(meta);
    let albumMeta = mapAlbumMeta(meta);
    return { meta, songMeta, albumMeta };

  // Import the album
  let albumImportTask = (async () => {
    let { albumMeta } = await metaTask;
    let albumId = await importAlbum(albumMeta);
    return albumId;

  // Compute the duration
  let durationTask = (async () => {
    let buffer = await readTask;
    let duration = await getDuration(buffer);
    return duration;

  // Import the song
  let songImportTask = (async () => {
    let albumId = await albumImportTask;
    let { meta, songMeta } = await metaTask;
    let duration = await durationTask;

    let songId = await importSong({
      ...songMeta, albumId, file, duration, meta

    return songId;

  let songId = await songImportTask;

  return songId;

Now reading the file, computing duration, parsing metadata and database querying will automatically run concurrently or serially—we were even able to leave getDuration() in its original spot! By declaring tasks and awaiting them inside other tasks, we defined a dependency graph for the runtime and let it discover the optimal solution for us.

Suppose we wanted to add another step to the import process, like retrieving album artwork from a web service:

// Look up album artwork from a web service
let albumArtwork = await fetchAlbumArtwork(albumMeta);

Prior to the async IIFE refactor, adding this feature would have triggered a lot of changes throughout the file, but now we can add it with just a small isolated chunk of additions!

+// Look up album artwork from a web service
+let artworkTask = (async () => {
+  let { albumMeta } = await metaTask;
+  let artwork = await fetchAlbumArtwork(albumMeta);
+  return artwork;

 // Import the album
 let albumImportTask = (async () => {
+  let artwork = await artworkTask;
   let { albumMeta } = await metaTask;
-  let albumId = await importAlbum(albumMeta);
+  let albumId = await importAlbum({ artwork, ...albumMeta });
   return albumId;

Tasks are declarative, so managing concurrent vs. serial execution order becomes an “execution detail” instead of an “implementation detail”!

What if we revamped our parser() function so it could synchronously parse an ArrayBuffer instead of a File object? Before this would have triggered a cascade of line reordering, but now the change is trivial:

 // Parse out the ID3 metadata
 let metaTask = (async () => {
+  let buffer = await readTask;
-  let meta = await parser(file);
+  let meta = parser(buffer);
   let songMeta = mapSongMeta(meta);
   let albumMeta = mapAlbumMeta(meta);
   return { meta, songMeta, albumMeta };


It’s tempting to take shortcuts and solve the dependency graph yourself. For example, after our changes to parser() above, all of the tasks depend on the file being read in, so you could block the entire function with await read(file) to save a few lines. However, these areas are likely to change, and organizing into serial tasks provides other benefits: these micro APIs make it is easier to read, debug, extract and reason about a complex chunk of concurrency.

Since we wrapped these tasks into async IIFEs, why not extract them into dedicated functions? For the same reason we couldn’t use Promise chaining: we have to give up nested closures and lexically scoped variables. Extracting tasks into top level functions also begs a design question: if all these operations were synchronous, would we still perform this extraction?

If you find yourself extracting async functions (as we did with importAlbum() and importSong()) because of their complexity or reusability, bravo! But ultimately, design principles for breaking down functions should be independent of whether the code is async vs. sync.

Also, splitting functions or moving them too far from their context makes code harder to grasp, as Josh discusses in his post about extracting methods.

More to Come

Functional programming is well-suited to multithreading because it minimizes shared state and opts for local variables as the de facto state mechanism. And thanks to JavaScript’s event loop, we can deal with shared state by merging results inside a single thread.

Next time, we’ll examine functional patterns for throttling concurrency on a single thread, then wrap up with techniques for efficiently managing a cluster of Web Workers… without worrying a shred about “thread safety.”

Interested in learning next-generation JavaScript for the web platform? Want to leverage functional patterns to build complex Single Page Apps? Join us for a Front-End Essentials bootcamp at one of our Ranches, or we can come to you through our corporate training program.

The post Cross Stitching: Elegant Concurrency Patterns for JavaScript appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.

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Hi, I’m Node.js and I’ll be your server today. Tue, 11 Apr 2017 10:15:00 +0000 The magical moment has arrived: your startup just got its first round of funding, and you're ready to crunch out an MVP that will dazzle your users and make investors salivate. There's just one problem: You have no clue what tech stack to use.

The post Hi, I’m Node.js and I’ll be your server today. appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.


The magical moment has arrived: your startup just got its first round of funding, and you’re ready to crunch out an MVP that will dazzle your users and make investors salivate.

Only, you have no clue what tech stack to use.

You heard that Node.js is pretty popular for building a backend server because “hey, it’s JavaScript on the backend!” and there’s a huge pool of full-stack developers to hire from. But weeks of Reddit-ing and Hacker News-ing later, you have an equal collection of posts that say Node is “literally the best” and “definitely the worst.”

Optimize for the Right Things™

In truth, your choice of tech stack will rarely make or break your company. Since a new service often starts out as an MVP-style proof-of-concept, your backend server may only see a few hundred users before it’s scrapped and rewritten (or dies if you join the 92% of startups that fail).

So if you are worrying about “Will it scale to handle tons of users?” you may be asking the wrong question. If you have reached a scale where your decision actually matters… congratulations! But unless you are a large service with an established user base, you have time to worry about scaling later. Don’t kill your startup by prematurely optimizing your tech stack. Instead, focus on maximizing developer speed and happiness. Usually, this means leveraging what your team already knows best.

With that in mind, Node.js will often hit the sweet spot: it scales to huge amounts of traffic, and likely your team is already skilled in JavaScript.


If you are ready to jump into Node.js, you’re in great company! A growing list of the largest retailers, banking, social media, news and media outlets have switched to Node.js and enjoyed some wonderful results:

Why has Node.js worked so well for these companies?

What is JavaScript?

To answer this, it will help to understand how Node.js works. At its core, Node is a runtime for executing JavaScript code on a server. Traditionally, JavaScript was run only in the browser, but nowadays you’ll find JavaScript in a lot of places.

JavaScript is a dynamic, lexically scoped, duck-typed scripting language. Practically speaking, this means developers can quickly modify code without recompiling and enjoy exploratory programming, which makes debugging easier. Dynamic scripting languages have traditionally been much slower than their compiled counterparts, but thanks to the browser wars and the Google V8 engine, JavaScript often runs within an order of magnitude of the speed of its native equivalent, and in optimized subsets runs only 50% slower than native code.

Despite the name, JavaScript has nothing to do with Java, so the paradigms and patterns used in Java are nothing like JavaScript. JavaScript favors functional programming, a programming model for building programs through closures, function composition, argument currying, etc. From a quality perspective, functional-style code is often simpler to test than a class-oriented counterpart (though it doesn’t have to be).

What is Node.js?

In technicalese, Node.js is a “non-blocking, event-driven I/O runtime.” Does that read like “word soup”? Let’s make a sandwich instead.

Traditional backend tech stacks work like a sandwich shop: for every customer, a sandwich maker will be assigned to you while you instruct them in what toppings you would like. So if the sandwich shop has one sandwich maker, the shop can handle one customer at a time. To serve more customers simultaneously, you just hire more sandwich makers.

This paradigm works great because making sandwiches is fast, and there’s not much waiting in between adding toppings.

But now imagine a fancy sit-down restaurant. Instead of getting in-and-out with a sandwich in 3 minutes, customers will likely spend an hour dining. If each customer monopolized a chef’s time for an entire hour, you’d need a lot of cooks!

So instead of customers talking directly to a chef, each customer is assigned a waiter. Still, it would be nonsensical for a waiter to be stuck with a customer until they left, because there’s lots of waiting! The waiter will wait for the customer to be ready to order, for their food to be prepared, etc. But a single waiter can attend to multiple customers over the period of an hour: after they take an order, they forward it to a chef and check on other customers.

But it’s easy to predict when your waiter will leave you to attend to other customers: they won’t ask you to “hold that thought” and leave you in the middle of ordering. Instead, they will only leave when you’ve finished placing your order—that way, waiters won’t have to remember what the customer was halfway through ordering.

While waiters are good at helping customers discover new items and validating their menu choices, they can’t handle lengthy tasks—otherwise, their other customers could be waiting for a while. Instead, a waiter delegates time-consuming tasks, like food preparation, to other people.

In short, a waiter doesn’t do any one thing that takes much time.

When the restaurant is clogged with customers, there is now a possible bottleneck: you might not have enough cooks! In such a case, you wouldn’t employ more waiters to speed up order time—instead, you should hire more chefs. However, sometimes exceptional circumstances arise and a waiter needs to leave unexpectedly. To add “fault-tolerance,” you just add more waiters!

Splitting up restaurant duties into labor-intensive food preparation and multitask-style waiting makes sense. And in the world of backend tech stacks, Node.js is your waiter at a sit-down restaurant!

What is Node.js Good At?

Like a restaurant waiter, Node.js is exceptionally good at waiting. For a backend server, this may seem strange—why would the backend wait before responding to a browser’s HTTP request? Most backends wait for a lot of resources before responding: they fetch data from a database, read a file from disk, or just wait to finish streaming the response back to the browser!

This wouldn’t be problematic if there was only one request at a time, but if your backend needs to handle 20 requests simultaneously, blocking 19 of the other requests until the first one finishes is not an option. To solve this, most backend stacks rely on multithreading and load balancers.

But why can’t a single backend process handle multiple requests concurrently, like a waiter, so long as no task takes long? This is the superpower of Node.js: a single Node process can seamlessly handle hundreds of thousands of simultaneous requests by juggling between requests whenever it must wait for a resource (database, reading a file off disk, or networking). This paradigm, called asynchronous or cooperative multitasking, allows the backend to predictably make context switches when it gets to a good stopping point, i.e. when it’s waiting for something. This is in contrast to preemptive multitasking, which gives each request handler a slice of time to compute before forcefully switching to another request handler.

It turns out a large category of web services do a lot of waiting by delegating to other services (database, file system, networking), then aggregate the data into a suitable response. Because “context switches” between these simultaneous tasks are predictable, memory usage stays very low and there are far fewer worries about thread safety.

Even though your code is single-threaded, you can scale it in the same way you would a restaurant: add more waiters! Or in this case, run more processes (usually, one per CPU core).

So Node supports cooperative multitasking, but not through multithreading. This isn’t a disadvantage—it actually makes programs easier to reason about! What if a waiter could leave a customer in the middle of ordering? They would need to keep track of where they left off ordering. But what if during that time someone persuaded the customer to order something different? Since the code is single-threaded, we don’t need to worry about thread safety since we know the waiter will only leave off when a customer is done ordering.

This model makes Node particularly well-suited for building realtime services—a single process can handle many thousands of concurrent WebSocket connections without blowing up memory usage or becoming sluggish.

What isn’t Node.js Good At?

As the homepage asserts, Node.js is really good for programs that deal with event-oriented I/O (input/output). This also means that there are a lot of things Node.js is not good at.

In particular, Node does its best to make blocking operations impossible: all the core APIs are asynchronous. But despite JavaScript’s execution speed, you can still “block the Event Loop” by performing CPU intensive tasks. If your backend needs to analyze data or do complex aggregation and filtering, you will annul Node’s primary strength.

Thankfully, Node comes with many core APIs that are implemented natively which effectively run on separate threads selected from a thread pool, so you can do a lot of “CPU intensive” things in Node without blocking. If you need to do some custom intensive computation, you can leverage the WebWorkers API to create thread safe background workers. Or, you can build out specialized microservices, perhaps with Elixir or Rust, and use them as a “backend for your backend.”

Since Node.js is a general-purpose programming language, a naive HTTP server will not be fault-tolerant (resilient to crashes) out of the box. For a single-threaded server, a process supervisor like forever will do, but to leverage multi-core CPUs you will want to use the built-in cluster API.

With these caveats in mind, Node.js is an exceptional fit for many backend servers. Its extreme popularity among developers is especially telling, and with good reason:

  • It’s easy to get caught up in a language’s elegance, yet overlook the most important aspect of a tech stack: its community support and libraries. JavaScript enjoys the largest community (people and open source libraries) of any language, and Node inherits these benefits with the npm package manager, “the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.”
  • With ES2017 (the 2017 release of JavaScript), async programming is incredibly straightforward and readable with async functions.
  • Node adopts new features and APIs rapidly, so developers can enjoy all of the tooling and APIs the TC39 committee has helped standardize for years in browsers. As a pleasant consequence of the io.js hostile fork, Node.js is 100% open-source, has an open governance model and is supported by a diverse community of independent contributors and company backers who frequently contribute to Node’s fantastic production readiness.
  • Thanks to this community, you won’t be alone when you are finally ready to start scaling your Node.js powered backend.

All told, this means Node.js is unlikely to stagnate or die out since it builds on the web platform’s incredible momentum. And at eight years old, it’s a safe bet that Node.js will continue to innovate for years to come.

The post Hi, I’m Node.js and I’ll be your server today. appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.

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Encore, JavaScript! Create an MP3 reader with DataViews + TextDecoder Wed, 22 Mar 2017 09:00:00 +0000 Like all good blog posts, this one started with a conversation on Twitter. It ended with a simple JavaScript MP3 metadata reader to demonstrate ArrayBuffers and TextDecoder.

The post Encore, JavaScript! Create an MP3 reader with DataViews + TextDecoder appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.


Like all good blog posts, this one started with a conversation on Twitter. Giovanni Cortés showed off an elegant snippet of Elixir code that leverages destructuring to parse the song metadata (title, author, etc.) from an MP3 audio file.

About this time I was brainstorming new topics for our web development guide about JavaScript’s high-performance data types. Although JavaScript’s destructuring isn’t as extensive as Elixir’s, it has great APIs for efficiently operating on large chunks of binary data.

While reading the tweet, I was also enjoying my favorite orchestral piece: Snöfrid, a beautiful melodrama by the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius. So what could be more appropriate than to create an MP3 metadata reader with JavaScript?

Getting Started

To compose this masterpiece, we will use some standardized APIs available in both the browser and Node. For simplicity, we will build a command-line tool with Node, but apart from reading in a file, the code will run as is in the browser!

MP3 metadata, like the song’s title and composer, is stored in a format called “ID3” at the beginning (or end) of an MP3 file. We’ll just pretend it stands for “MP3 information” since the acronym’s true origins seem mysterious.

There are several revisions of the ID3 spec. Giovanni’s lovely Elixir example extracts ID3v1 metadata (called “TAG”) from an MP3 file. The TAG spec is incredibly straightforward to parse since it uses fixed length fields. Unfortunately, it turned out to be too simplistic, so most of the MP3s in your music library use the much more flexible (and complex) ID3v2.3.0 spec. This version supports arbitrary length metadata and internationalization via alternate text encodings.

If you’re interested in seeing an ID3v1 reader, check out this implementation by Eric Bidelman. His example uses the jDataView library, which adds some nice (but non-standard) methods to the DataView API.

We are going to tackle the ID3v2 spec, so our JavaScript MP3 reader won’t be an apples-to-apples comparison with the Elixir example, but meanwhile we will explore a few more Web APIs!

Let’s set up the Node project:

# Create project directory
$ mkdir mp3-reader && cd mp3-reader

# Init package.json with defaults
$ npm init -y

# Install TextDecoder polyfill
$ npm install --save text-encoding

# Create main file and make it executable
$ touch index.js && chmod u+x index.js

Reading in a File

First off, we need to read in a file. In index.js, we’ll use the core fs library to asynchronously read in the specified MP3 file. This is the only Node specific code—after you read in a file, everything else will work in the browser!

#!/usr/bin/env node
let fs = require('fs');

const file = process.argv[2];

fs.readFile(file, (err, data) => {


Since this is an executable file, the first line—called a shebang—instructs the shell to execute this script with the Node interpreter. Now we can run it in the terminal:

./index.js fixtures/sibelius.mp3

When we execute index.js, process.argv will look like this:

[ '/Users/jonathan/.nvm/versions/node/v6.10.0/bin/node',
  'fixtures/sibelius.mp3' ]

process.argv is an array of at least two items: the full path to the Node executable and the full path to index.js. Any extra arguments passed to our script will begin at index 2, so process.argv[2] will be the path to the MP3 file we should read.

The fs.readFile() method accepts a callback, which will be invoked with an error argument and a Node Buffer object. Buffers have been around for a while, but they are specific to Node—you won’t find Buffers in the browser. However, Node has switched the underlying implementation of Buffer to a standardized JavaScript datatype: ArrayBuffer. In fact, Buffer objects have a .buffer property which returns the underlying ArrayBuffer!

ArrayBuffers are a performant way to store large chunks of data, especially binary data. You’ll find them in graphics APIs like WebGL and in multithreading. Since they’re part of the core language library, you can use ArrayBuffers in both Node.js and the browser!

To grab the Node Buffer’s underlying ArrayBuffer, we can destructure the data argument, which contains a Node Buffer, to extract just its .buffer property:


fs.readFile(file, (err, data) => {
  if (err) { throw err; }

  let { buffer } = data;

This fancy destructuring syntax is equivalent to let buffer = data.buffer. Now we’re ready to do the actual parsing!

Parsing the ID3 Header

ID3v2 metadata comes at the beginning of the MP3 file and starts off with a 10 byte header. The first 3 bytes should always be the string ID3, followed by 7 more bytes.

Layout of ID3 metadata

The first two bytes after ID3 (bytes 4 and 5) are version numbers. However, we can’t directly access the data in an ArrayBuffer: we need to create a DataView object to “view” that data.


const HEADER_SIZE = 10;

fs.readFile(file, (err, data) => {

  let header = new DataView(buffer, 0, HEADER_SIZE);

  let major = header.getUint8(3);
  let minor = header.getUint8(4);
  let version = `ID3v2.${major}.${minor}`;

DataViews do not contain the data themselves, but they provide a “window” to “peer” into an ArrayBuffer. This means you can create multiple DataViews for the same ArrayBuffer—a clever design pattern for referencing the same chunk of memory with a different lens.

When creating a DataView, we specify the byte offset of where we want the “window” to start and how many bytes afterwards should be visible. While these two arguments are optional, they prevent us from “peering too far” and will throw useful exceptions if we attempt to access anything beyond these specified boundaries.

To grab the ID3 version numbers, we used the .getUint8() method. This method reads a single byte at the specified position relative to the DataView’s offset. In this case, it reads bytes 3 and 4 relative to an offset of 0.

The ID3 metadata section can be fairly long, so next we need to know the ID3 metadata’s total size (in bytes) so we don’t read too far and begin parsing the actual MP3 audio data.


let synchToInt = synch => {
  const mask = 0b01111111;
  let b1 = synch & mask;
  let b2 = (synch >> 8) & mask;
  let b3 = (synch >> 16) & mask;
  let b4 = (synch >> 24) & mask;

  return b1 | (b2 << 7) | (b3 << 14) | (b4 << 21);

fs.readFile(file, (err, data) => {

  let size = synchToInt(header.getUint32(6));

Quite a bit going on there! Let’s break this down. We read a 32-bit integer (4 bytes) starting at offset 6 (bytes 7–10) of the header that tells us how long the rest of the metadata is. Unfortunately, it’s not just a simple 32-bit integer: it’s a so-called “synchsafe” integer.

Synchsafe integers

A synchsafe integer is essentially a 28-bit integer with a 0 added after every 7 bits. It’s pretty weird, but luckily we have low level boolean logic at our fingertips: we’ll just break up the synchsafe integer into 4 bytes, then combine them back with the 8th bit of each byte removed.

Converting a synchsafe integer to a regular integer

Why doesn’t the ID3 spec just use a regular 32-bit integer? MP3 was designed to be broadcast friendly, so audio players need to be able to play an MP3 from any given spot by watching for the next valid chunk of audio. Each chunk of audio begins with 11 bits set to 1 called the “frame sync.” By using synchsafe integers in the metadata section, this prevents interference with the “frame sync” mechanism. It’s still quite possible to have a sequence of 11 true bits elsewhere, but it’s fairly unlikely and players can easily perform correctness checks.

We’re done reading the 10-byte ID3 header, now it’s time to start looping through the “frames” that come next:


fs.readFile(file, (err, data) => {

  let offset = HEADER_SIZE;
  let id3Size = HEADER_SIZE + size;

  while (offset < id3Size) {


ID3 metadata is stored in consecutive chunks called “frames.” Each frame represents a separate key-value pair, like the song’s title or composer. We can read them in by parsing one frame at a time, then skipping by the size of that frame to read the next one until we reach the end of the ID3 metadata. In a moment, we’ll write a function called decodeFrame() to handle this, but if it was implemented we could parse all the frames like such:


fs.readFile(file, (err, data) => {

  while (offset < id3Size) {
    let frame = decodeFrame(buffer, offset);
    if (!frame) { break; }
    console.log(`${}: ${frame.value.length > 200 ? '...' : frame.value}`);
    offset += frame.size;

Parsing an ID3 Frame

Time to implement decodeFrame()! This function should return an object for one frame (key-value pair) structured like this:

{ id: 'TIT2',
  value: 'Snöfrid (Snowy Peace)',
  lang: 'eng',
  size: 257 }

Each frame begins with a 10-byte header, then is followed by the frame’s actual content (the value).


let decodeFrame = (buffer, offset) => {
  let header = new DataView(buffer, offset, HEADER_SIZE + 1);
  if (header.getUint8(0) === 0) { return; }

After creating an 11-byte DataView (why 11 instead of 10? Hang tight) to inspect the frame’s header, we checked to make sure the first byte isn’t a zero, which would indicate there are no more frames to decode. Many MP3 encoders pad the ID3 metadata section with extra 0s (usually 2048 bytes of “null-padding”) to give audio players like iTunes room to insert more metadata without disturbing the rest of the file.

If the frame doesn’t start with zero, it’s safe to read in the first part of the header: the 4-byte frame ID. Frames are basically a single key-value pair, and the frame ID is the “key” of that pair:

ID3 Frame format


let { TextDecoder } = require('text-encoding');
let decode = (format, string) => new TextDecoder(format).decode(string);

let decodeFrame = (buffer, offset) => {

  let id = decode('ascii', new Uint8Array(buffer, offset, 4));

The 4-character frame ID is encoded as an ASCII string, like TIT2 (Title) or TCOM (Composer). To read in multiple bytes at a time, we need a different kind of view called a TypedArray. It’s not a constructor you’ll invoke directly, rather it refers to a class of fixed size homogeneous arrays. So to read in a list of unsigned 8-bit integers, we create a new Uint8Array typed array. If we wanted to read in signed (negative) numbers, we would use the Int8Array constructor instead, but that makes no sense for reading in ASCII bytes.

It’s not enough to fetch an array of 4 bytes—they need to be interpreted, or “decoded,” into a string. Frame IDs map directly to ASCII characters, so we invoked the TextDecoder constructor and its .decode() method to convert the byte array to a string.

Earlier we created an 11-byte DataView starting at the frame’s beginning. After the 4-byte frame ID comes the frame’s size:


let decodeFrame = (buffer, offset) => {

  let size = header.getUint32(4);
  let contentSize = size - 1;
  let encoding = header.getUint8(HEADER_SIZE);

  let contentOffset = offset + HEADER_SIZE + 1;

Bytes at indices 4–7 represent the rest of the frame’s size as an unsigned 32-bit integer. We don’t care about the 2 flag bytes which follow, so we are done decoding the frame header. But since it is only 10 bytes long, why did we read in 11? The first byte after the frame header (the 11th byte, index 10) specifies how the frame’s content is encoded, so in a way it is part of the frame header. To compensate for this “extra header byte,” we increased the contentOffset and decreased contentSize by 1.

This “encoding byte” can be set to 0, 1, 2 or 3, and maps to a text encoding like ascii or utf-8. This will help immensely, otherwise we might get gobbledygook if we mistakenly interpreted utf-8 text as ascii.

Decoding Strings

Finally, the frame’s real content begins at offset 11 of the frame. In addition to the encoding byte, some frames are also prefixed with a language descriptor:


const LANG_FRAMES = [

let decodeFrame = (buffer, offset) => {

  let lang;
  if (LANG_FRAMES.includes(id)) {
    lang = decode('ascii', new Uint8Array(buffer, contentOffset, 3));
    contentOffset += 3;
    contentSize -= 3;

The language identifier is a 3 letter ASCII string, like eng or deu. Only certain frame types, like COMM (Comments), have a language identifier. Now onward to the real content!


const ID3_ENCODINGS = [

let decodeFrame = (buffer, offset) => {

  let value = decode(ID3_ENCODINGS[encoding],
    new Uint8Array(buffer, contentOffset, contentSize));

We finally grab the rest of the frame and decode the bytestream based on the encoding byte. For example, when encoding is set to 0 we interpret the frame’s content as ascii.

Now we just need to send everything back in a nice package:


let decodeFrame = (buffer, offset) => {

  return {
    id, value, lang,
    size: size + HEADER_SIZE

There’s one catch: the frame size didn’t include the 10 byte frame header, so we added HEADER_SIZE to the returned size so the while loop can increment its offset by frame.size to hop to the next frame.

Time to run our script! Find an MP3 file and pass it to index.js. If it doesn’t print out ID3v2.3.0, try another MP3.

$ ./index.js fixtures/sibelius.mp3

PRIV: ...
TIT2: Snöfrid (Snowy Peace), Improvisation for Reciter, Chorus and Orchestra, Op. 29
TPE1: Lahti Symphony Orchestra, Jubilate Choir, Stina Ekblad and Osmo Vänskä
TALB: Sibelius: The Complete Symphonies - Karelia - Lemminkäinen - Violin Concerto
TCON: Classical
TCOM: Jean Sibelius
TPE3: Osmo Vänskä
TRCK: 38/43
TYER: 2011
COMM: Song ID: 222429669
TPE2: Lahti Symphony Orchestra and Osmo Vänskä
TCOP: 2011 Bis
TPOS: 1/1
APIC: ...

Hey look! We got the special Unicode characters to interpret correctly. Good ‘ol Osmo Vänskä (the conductor) gets his proper accents for free. If the parser was even one byte off, you’d get gobbledygook. Or if you mixed your ID3_ENCODINGS a bit, you might find yourself staring at byte order marks (BOM) and other gunk not-meant-to-be-seen-by-mortals:

PRIV: ...
TIT2: ǿ﹓nöfrid (Snowy Peace), Improvisation for Reciter, Chorus and Orchestra, Op. 29�
TPE1: ǿ﹌ahti Symphony Orchestra, Jubilate Choir, Stina Ekblad and Osmo Vänskä�
TALB: ǿ﹓ibelius: The Complete Symphonies - Karelia - Lemminkäinen - Violin Concerto�
TCON: ǿ﹃lassical�
TCOM: ǿ﹊ean Sibelius�
TPE3: ǿ﹏smo Vänskä�
TRCK: ǿ︳8/43�
TYER: ǿ︲011�
COMM: ť湧䄀洀愀稀漀渀⸀挀漀洀 匀漀渀最 䤀䐀㨀 ㈀㈀㈀㐀㈀㤀㘀㘀㤀
TPE2: ǿ﹌ahti Symphony Orchestra and Osmo Vänskä�
TCOP: ǿ︲011 Bis�
TPOS: ǿ︱/1�
APIC: ...

Boom! You can download the finished code here.


Thanks to the ArrayBuffer, DataView, TypedArray and TextDecoder APIs, you can easily decode binary file formats. Although dealing with file specs can be notoriously tricky, JavaScript’s console-friendly ways make it easy to practice exploratory programming to work out the kinks and off-by-one errors.

If you need a more extensive MP3 metadata parser for your binary libretti, you’ll probably want to use a library like JSMediaTags.

And there you have it! A masterful binary performance of Snöfrid by the JavaScript Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Node.js.

The post Encore, JavaScript! Create an MP3 reader with DataViews + TextDecoder appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.

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The Tip of the Iceberg: Your Mobile App is Really a Web App Mon, 13 Feb 2017 12:00:53 +0000 Many of the native mobile apps you love weren’t always native. Will a hybrid web app help you build a successful MVP, or kill your startup?

The post The Tip of the Iceberg: Your Mobile App is Really a Web App appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.


True fact: many of the native iOS and Android apps you use daily haven’t always been native. Recognize any of these apps on your homescreen?

If you thought most of these apps are native, you’d be right! But heretofore, substantial portions of these apps were powered by front-end web technologies. Since many of these apps ended up native, why were web technologies used in the first place?

Web-powered mobile apps have been the subject of much hype and flame wars. To confuse the matter, there is a lot of terminology around web-powered mobile apps. So let’s make sure we speak the same language!

What is a Web App?

Web apps are applications that (historically) run in a browser and are built with web technologies, namely JavaScript, HTML, CSS and the Web APIs. Web apps have a lot to offer:

  • Broad appeal: They are accessible on any device with a browser. Responsive web apps adapt to various device characteristics (like screen size), which enables tailored experiences across a plethora of devices.
  • Discoverability: Search engines like Google can search and index web content, and with some Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can drive a substantial amount of traffic to the web app.
  • Shareable: Thanks to copy-paste friendly URLs, content is easy to share.
  • Try before you buy: Good web apps are small and load quickly, which makes it straightforward to try a service or browse its content without committing to the service.

There are also plenty of ways to ruin a web app with a poor user experience (UX). Users especially dread web apps that:

  • Load slowly or are large (> 2MB). While the web boasts easy discovery, users quickly abandon services that take more than a few seconds to load.
  • Feel laggy responding to touch events.
  • Lack gesture support because with the explosion of multi-touch devices, users are often taken aback when their favorite gesture does nothing.
  • Lack basic OS integrations, like push notifications or geolocation.

What is a Native App?

Native apps are iOS or Android apps that build on the operating system’s own unique platform rather than the web platform. On iOS, this means Swift + Xcode, and on Android it means Java + Android Studio. Users love native apps for a lot of reasons:

  • Consistent UX/UI: Quality native apps adhere to the operating system’s guidelines, like Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines or Google’s Material Design.
  • Deep hardware integration: Since native apps are individually tailored to the particular OS, they can offer advanced OS integrations like TouchID or Near Field Communication (NFC).
  • Discoverability: Native apps are easy to discover, download and securely purchase through the platform’s app store.

Native apps can also be frustrating for users:

  • Large downloads: When an app weighs in at 80MB, users may hesitate or lose interest in trying a new service if their download speed isn’t great.
  • Forced updates: Apps that are tightly integrated with a back-end often require forced updates, which interrupts the user’s workflow with an 80MB update.
  • OS incompatibility: To update the app, sometimes the user must update their OS as well.
  • Vendor lock-in: The user’s favorite apps may never come to other platforms, so the user may hesitate to commit to a service that is exclusive to one platform.

What is a Hybrid Web App?

A hybrid web app is an iOS or Android app where significant portions are implemented with web technologies. You’ll hear a handful of related buzzwords invoked when discussing hybrid web apps:

  • Progressive Web App (PWA): Equal parts marketing hype and groundbreaking APIs, PWAs are simply web apps that use modern Web APIs (like offline, local storage and notifications) to craft an experience that feels native. Hybrid web apps are often considered PWAs.
  • WebView: A UI component available on iOS and Android that allows an app to host an embedded browser. This is the most common mechanism for “embedding” web code into a native app.
  • Cordova: A popular open-source tool for bundling web apps into a hybrid web app that provides integrations with hardware and native OS features. Cordova is most commonly used for generating iOS and Android apps.
  • PhoneGap: Adobe’s custom distribution of Cordova. It comes with various plugins and integrations not included in vanilla Cordova.

Should I Build a Native App or Hybrid Web App?

Not unlike end users, developers have their own reasons to prefer native or hybrid web apps to the other. With native apps, a developer can create a refined experience that tightly integrates with OS features and leverages hardware for maximum performance. But with a hybrid app, a developer can craft a good experience for multiple platforms with a single codebase and push out updates (“hot code push”) without awaiting app store approval.

So should you build separate native apps for Android and iOS, or a hybrid web app that can be deployed to both? This so-called “native vs. web” debate has sparked many flame wars of old, and it’s a misleading question because it focuses purely on the technical perspective while ignoring business needs and the release timeline. In fact, a hybrid web app can be the perfect catalyst to building a delightful native app!

At Big Nerd Ranch, we build a lot of MVPs (minimum viable products), especially for our startup clients. During the MVP process, there are inherently risks and unknowns we want to answer: Who is the target audience? What features will resonate with this audience? Is the core functionality technologically feasible?

According to the lean startup approach, the MVP is merely an experiment for testing a set of hypotheses, incrementally correcting them, or eventually pivoting towards a completely new approach! Since the MVP is only an engine for collecting data, it needs to be cheap and quick to develop.

Hybrid web apps can often help in executing the lean startup approach. Here are some questions you should answer to determine if the hybrid approach will fit your app:

  • Are you developing an MVP? What are your constraints, and are you expecting high feature volatility? If you need to cover several platforms, you will need to iterate quickly on a feature set, test them on an audience, then make improvements. “Hot” releases with hybrid web apps cut out app store approval and the need to preserve backend compatibility, enabling you to vet an app with user data as quickly as possible or pivot when the data radically diverges from your initial assumptions.
  • Does your app deliver value beyond a great user experience (UX)? If it offers intriguing functionality not available from competitors, users will be more forgiving of a hybrid web app’s UI.
  • Is your app mirroring a desktop experience, and are the use-cases across mobile and desktop virtually the same? While Twitter users do similar things on desktop and mobile, Uber riders book cars exclusively through the mobile app.
  • Is your app content-focused or centered around a new mobile API, like TouchID? Content-rich apps like social media, store, news and chat apps change frequently, so the “liquid” layout of a web app will favor rapid iteration.

If you answered “yes” to most (or all) of those questions, your app is a great candidate for the hybrid web app approach!

Building an MVP with a Hybrid Web App

With any MVP, it’s important to plan a release timeline. If a hybrid web app is a good fit for your application, you have a new question to answer: when should you transition from the hybrid web app and build a native app to replace it? Here is a sample timeline:

  • Build a hybrid web app MVP-style. Thanks to “hot” code updates, you can iterate on the backend API without yet worrying about backwards compatibility for older mobile apps or waiting for app store approval. With a single codebase, a small team of developers can quickly deliver, improve or pivot on functionality.
  • Sometimes, a hybrid web app is good enough and there’s no financial reason to switch to a native app.
  • But often, a web-based mobile app is not the stopping point for a successful service. Once feature churn slows down and you understand your users, you can test a new set of assumptions: do users expect a native experience and certain OS integrations? When/if they do, you are ready to build a first-class native app to replace the hybrid web app, and by now you can (hopefully) fund the native rewrite with revenue from the hybrid web app!

Many well known services—like Instagram and Facebook—have taken similar approaches, but generally without much fanfare. It’s a clever strategy for preventing confirmation bias, a phenomenon that causes users to perceive and interact with an app differently when informed of its web nature.

Facebook wrote an exceptional postmortem in 2012 after they transitioned from their hybrid web app to a native iOS client. Their experience not only highlights the role that web can play in a service’s timeline, but also when it’s time to move on (emphasis added):

By allowing us to write once and ship across multiple platforms, HTML5 … has been instrumental in getting us to where we are today. We chose to use HTML5 because … it also allowed us to iterate on experiences quickly by launching and testing new features without having to release new versions of our apps.

So while utilizing web technology has allowed us to support more than 500 million people using Facebook on more than 7000 supported devices, we realized that when it comes to platforms like iOS, people expect a fast, reliable experience and our iOS app was falling short. Now that our mobile services had breadth, we wanted depth. So, we rewrote Facebook for iOS from the ground up…

Common Misunderstandings

There are many misconceptions about hybrid web apps that could adversely affect your decision when considering this approach. Here are some of the more common objections:

“My app needs to have a perfect native UX/UI at launch, or it will irrevocably flop.” Will an imperfect UX/UI kill your app? Unless you are a well-established service like LinkedIn, no, not at all. Services like Craigslist and Reddit aren’t especially beautiful or polished, but they deliver critical value, which translates to revenue. Furthermore, if an app’s exceptional UX/UI isn’t bringing in revenue, then its beauty translates to wasted money. Apps whose sole innovation is UX/UI are unlikely to survive long-term.

“Hybrid web apps don’t perform well.” Well-written hybrid web apps perform well even at 60 fps, so performance should not be a deciding factor until user data indicates otherwise. And if your web app is suffering from poor network performance, check out our case study on performance metrics.

“Hybrid web apps can’t interact with hardware.” With Cordova, web apps can access many hardware and OS integrations, in addition to those already supported in the browser (e.g. accelerometer, GPS, battery).

“Hybrid web apps don’t work offline.” Thanks to Web APIs like AppCache, ServiceWorkers and the storage APIs, web apps can offer a seamless offline experience.

Creating a Delightful Hybrid Web App

Many popular services start out as hybrid web apps, not because they are superior replacements for native apps, but because they cater well to building an MVP. Instead of reliving the native vs. web debate, consider creating a successful service with a web app, then pivot on that success to build an exceptional native app.

If you feel that the hybrid approach will fit your needs, feel free to contact us. We focus on understanding your company’s goals and obejctives, and we will work with you to quickly determine if a hybrid web app is the best fit for you.

The post The Tip of the Iceberg: Your Mobile App is Really a Web App appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.

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Asyncing Feeling about JavaScript Generators Tue, 17 Jan 2017 10:00:53 +0000 Async generator functions have arrived in JavaScript! Iterate over Stream-like data with a for-loop and even rewrite ReactiveX.js. Read on to see what comes .next()…

The post Asyncing Feeling about JavaScript Generators appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.


Want the TL;DR version? Here’s a gist of all three examples.

Async generators and async iteration have arrived! Err, they’ve reached Stage 3, which means they are likely to ship in a future version of JavaScript. Until then, you can enable Stage 3 proposals in Babel to try them out in your own projects.

The web is essentially a decentralized app runtime, so subpar language additions have permanent consequences since future standards must remain backwards compatible. So for a feature to be accepted into the ECMAScript standard, it has to be incredibly compelling—it takes more than snazzy syntax or theoretical elegance for a feature to make the cut.

With that in mind, we should expect async generators and iteration to substantially influence how we architect our future code, yet address a contemporary problem. Let’s investigate how async generators work and examine the challenges of using them in “real” codebases.

Recap: How Async Generators Work

In a nutshell, async generators are like regular generator functions, but they yield Promises. If you aren’t familiar with ES2015 generator functions, check out Chris Aquino’s blog, then watch Jafar Husain’s excellent talk on Async Programming.

To recap, regular generator functions are basically a cross between the Iterator and Observer patterns. A generator is a pausable function that you can “step” through by calling .next(). You can pull a value out of a generator multiple times with .next(), or push a value into the same function multiple times with .next(valueToPush). This dual interface allows you to imitate both an Iterator and Observer with the same syntax!

However, generators have a disadvantage: they must immediately (synchronously) return data when .next() is invoked. Put another way, the code that consumes the data by calling .next() is in control of data flow. This is fine when the generator can generate new data on demand, but generators are not a good fit for iterating over asynchronous (or temporal) data sources, where the source itself controls when the next chunk of data is available.

WebSocket messages are a good example of an asynchronous data source. If we had a list of all the messages we would ever receive, we could iterate over them synchronously. But of course, we can’t know when messages will be received, so we need a mechanism to iterate lazily over messages as they arrive. Async generators and async iteration let us do just that!

TL;DR: generator functions are for data sources where the data consumer is in control, whereas async generators allow the data source itself to be in control.

Simple Example: Generate and Consume an AsyncGenerator

Let’s exercise our async chops with an example. We want to write an async generator function that repeatedly generates a new number after waiting a random number of milliseconds. Over a period of several seconds it might generate five or so numbers starting from 0. Let’s first write a helper function that generates a Promise to represent a timer:

// Create a Promise that resolves after ms time
var timer = function(ms) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, ms);

Calling timer(5000) returns a Promise that will resolve in 5 seconds. Now we’re ready to write an async generator:

// Repeatedly generate a number starting
// from 0 after a random amount of time
var source = async function*() {
  var i = 0;
  while (true) {
    await timer(Math.random() * 1000);
    yield i++;

So much complexity hiding behind such elegance! Our async generator function waits a random amount of time, then yields the next number in the count-up. If we didn’t have async generators, we could try using a regular generator function to yield Promises like this:

var source = function*() {
  var i = 0;
  while (true) {
    yield timer(Math.random() * 1000)
      .then(() => i++);

However, there are some edge cases and boilerplate we’d have to handle, so it’s nice to have a dedicated function type! Now we’re ready to write the consuming code; because we need the await operator, we’ll create an async run() function.

// Tie everything together
var run = async function() {
  var stream = source();
  for await (let n of stream) {

// => 0
// => 1
// => 2
// => 3
// ...

What magic, and in under 20 lines of code! First, we invoke the source async generator function, which returns a special AsyncGenerator object. Then we use the for await...of loop syntax—called “asynchronous iteration”—to loop over numbers one-by-one as source generates them.

But we can level up: suppose we want to square the numbers generated by source. We could square directly inside the for await...of loop, but it’d be better to “transform” the stream of values outside the loop, similar to using .map() to transform an array of values. It’s quite straightforward:

// Return a new async iterator that applies a
// transform to the values from another async generator
var map = async function*(stream, transform) {
  for await (let n of stream) {
    yield transform(n);

Then we just need to add a line to the run() function:

 // Tie everything together
 var run = async function() {
   var stream = source();
+  // Square values generated by source() as they arrive
+  stream = map(stream, n => n * n);
   for await (let n of stream) {

Now when we run() everything:

// => 0
// => 1
// => 4
// => 9
// ...

Impressive! But perhaps generating counting numbers isn’t especially innovative.

Medium Example: Write an AsyncIterator for WebSockets

The usual way to respond to incoming WebSocket messages is to attach an event listener:

var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:3000/');
ws.addEventListener('message', event => {

But if we treated WebSocket messages as a stream, it seems natural to “iterate” over messages as they arrive. Unfortunately, WebSockets are not yet async iterable, but we can write our own polyfill in just a few lines. Here’s what our run() function will look like:

// Tie everything together
var run = async () => {
  var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:3000/');
  for await (let message of ws) {

Now for that polyfill. You may recall from Chris Aquino’s blog series that, for an object to be iterable with the for...of loop, you must define the Symbol.iterator property on that object. Similarly, to make an object async iterable with the for await...of loop, its Symbol.asyncIterator property must be defined. Here’s an implementation:

// Add an async iterator to all WebSockets
WebSocket.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = async function*() {
  while(this.readyState !== 3) {
    yield (await oncePromise(this, 'message')).data;

This async iterator waits to receive a message, then yields the data attribute of the WebSocket’s MessageEvent. The oncePromise() function is a bit of a hack: it returns a Promise that resolves when an event occurs, then immediately unsubscribes:

// Generate a Promise that listens only once for an event
var oncePromise = (emitter, event) => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    var handler = (...args) => {
      emitter.removeEventListener(event, handler);
    emitter.addEventListener(event, handler);

It seems inefficient, but it really tidies up our async iterator. If you have a chatty WebSocket server running at http://localhost:3000, you can watch messages stream in by invoking run():

// => "hello"
// => "sandwich"
// => "otters"
// ...

Hard Example: Rewrite RxJS

Now for the ultimate challenge. Functional reactive programming (FRP) is all the rage in UI programming, and in JavaScript, RxJS is the most popular library for this programming style. RxJS models event sources as Observables—they’re like an event stream or lazy array that can be modified with familiar array idioms like map() and filter().

Since FRP complements JavaScript’s non-blocking philosophy, it’s possible an RxJS-like API will make it to a future version of JavaScript. Meantime, we can write our own RxJS clone with async generators in just 80 lines of code! Here’s the challenge:

  1. Listen for all click events
  2. Filter down to only clicks on anchor tags
  3. Only allow distinct clicks
  4. Map from click events to a click counter and the click event
  5. Throttle clicks to once every 500ms
  6. Print the click counter and event

This type of problem is right in RxJS’s wheelhouse, so we’ll try to replicate its approach. Here’s how we’ll exercise our implementation:

// Tie everything together
var run = async () => {
  var i = 0;
  var clicks = streamify('click', document.querySelector('body'));

  clicks = filter(clicks, e =>'a'));
  clicks = distinct(clicks, e =>;
  clicks = map(clicks, e => [i++, e]);
  clicks = throttle(clicks, 500);

  subscribe(clicks, ([ id, click ]) => {


To make this work, we need to write six functions: streamify(), filter(), distinct(), map(), throttle() and subscribe().

// Turn any event emitter into a stream
var streamify = async function*(event, element) {
  while (true) {
    yield await oncePromise(element, event);

streamify() is just like the WebSocket async iterator: oncePromise() uses .addEventListener() to listen once for an event, then resolves the Promise. By looping with while (true), we can listen for events indefinitely.

// Only pass along events that meet a condition
var filter = async function*(stream, test) {
  for await (var event of stream) {
    if (test(event)) {
      yield event;

filter() only yields events that pass the test. map() is almost identical:

// Transform every event of the stream
var map = async function*(stream, transform) {
  for await (var event of stream) {
    yield transform(event);

Instead of testing before yielding, map() simply transforms the event before yielding. distinct() shows one of the superpowers of async generators: they can persist state with local variables!

var identity = e => e;

// Only pass along events that differ from the last one
var distinct = async function*(stream, extract = identity) {
  var lastVal;
  var thisVal;
  for await (var event of stream) {
    thisVal = extract(event);
    if (thisVal !== lastVal) {
      lastVal = thisVal;
      yield event;

Last, the mighty throttle() function resembles distinct(): it tracks the timestamp of the last event and only yields it if a certain amount of time has passed since the last yielded event.

// Only pass along event if some time has passed since the last one
var throttle = async function*(stream, delay) {
  var lastTime;
  var thisTime;
  for await (var event of stream) {
    thisTime = (new Date()).getTime();
    if (!lastTime || thisTime - lastTime > delay) {
      lastTime = thisTime;
      yield event;

Finally, we need to print out the click event and counter for every event that made it this far. subscribe() is trivial: it just loops over every event and runs the callback, no yields necessary.

// Invoke a callback every time an event arrives
var subscribe = async (stream, callback) => {
  for await (var event of stream) {

And with that, we’ve written our own functional reactive pipeline!

Check out the gist if you want to try out any of these examples.


Async generators are pretty awesome. Whereas generator functions allow us to pull data out of an iterator, async generators let us iterate over data that is “pushed” to us. They’re a great abstraction for asynchronous data structures. However, there are some caveats.

First, implementing support for the for await...of on objects is a bit gnarly unless you avoid yield and await. Notably, converting anything with .addEventListener() is tricky because you can’t use the yield operator within the callback:

var streamify = async function*(event, element) {
  element.addEventListener(event, e => {
    // This doesn't work because yield is being
    // called from inside another function.
    yield e;

Similarly, you can’t use yield within .forEach() or other functional methods. This is an inherent limitation since there’s no guarantee yield won’t be used after the generator has already finished.

To sidestep this, we wrote the oncePromise() helper. Apart from potential performance issues, it’s important to note that Promise callbacks always execute after the current callstack has finished. In browsers that run Promise callbacks as microtasks, this shouldn’t cause issues, but some Promise polyfills won’t run the callbacks until the next run of the event loop. Consequently, invoking the .preventDefault() method may have no effect since the DOM event may have already bubbled to the browser.

JavaScript now has several asynchronous stream datatypes: Stream, AsyncGenerator and eventually Observable. While all three fall into the continuum of “pushed” data sources, there are subtle semantic differences in how they handle back pressure and control the underlying resource. If you’re interested in the finer facets of functional reactive semantics, check out the General Theory of Reactivity.

More to Come

In the arms race for language features, JavaScript is no slacker. Destructuring in ES2015, async functions in ES2016, and now async iteration enable JavaScript to elegantly tackle the complexities of UI and I/O programming without resorting to the usual unpredictability of multi-threading.

And there’s much more to come! So keep an eye on the blog and the TC39 proposals repo for new goodies. Meantime, you can start using async generator functions in your own code by enabling Stage 3 proposals in Babel.

Interested in learning next-generation JavaScript for the web platform? Come to the Front-end Essentials bootcamp at one of our Ranches, or we can come to you with our corporate training!

The post Asyncing Feeling about JavaScript Generators appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.

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JavaScript, make me a Triple Function Sandwich Sun, 04 Dec 2016 10:00:53 +0000 Since JavaScript is unrelated to Java, many OOP patterns are not idiomatic to JavaScript. So how do you solve common OOP-like problems? It might be time to invite Functional Programming for lunch!

The post JavaScript, make me a Triple Function Sandwich appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.


You probably knew that despite the name and superficially similar syntax, JavaScript is unrelated to Java. The unfortunate name “JavaScript” originated when the company responsible for creating JavaScript—Netscape Communications—entered into a license agreement with Sun in 1995. Thus, many of the design patterns you might know from Java, Ruby or other class-oriented programming languages are not idiomatic to JavaScript.

So what design patterns are idiomatic to JavaScript?

JavaScript’s object-oriented behavior imitates Self (a dialect of Smalltalk), but the overall programming paradigm is heavily influenced by its functional programming heritage. Moreover, JavaScript has some unique functional patterns of its own hiding in plain sight throughout popular libraries and Web APIs.

Let’s dissect two in-the-wild patterns from the JavaScript ecosystem—we’ll call them the Function Factory Function and Triple Function Sandwich.

Function Factory Function

The Function Factory Function is a function that follows the Factory method pattern, but returns a new function. Most Factories return objects, but thanks to first-class functions in JavaScript, it’s common for the Factory to build a function. In functional terminology, FFFs are often an example of a Higher-order Function.

If you’ve used the Array.prototype.sort function, you probably used a higher-order function to generate another function that can sort a list of objects by a particular property:

var Sorter = extract => {
  return (a, b) => {
    var av = extract(a),
        bv = extract(b);

    return av < bv ? -1 : (av > bv ? 1 : 0);

var people = [
  { name: 'Alex', age: 36 },
  { name: 'Beth', age: 30 },
  { name: 'Chris', age: 27 }

var sortByAge = Sorter(p => p.age);

people.sort(sortByAge).map(p =>;
// => ["Chris", "Beth", "Alex"]

The Function Factory Function follows a similar structure, but unlike a higher-order function, it doesn’t require a function as an argument. Here’s an example of an FFF used to generate middleware in Koa (a Node.js web framework):

var Koa = require('koa');
var compress = require('koa-compress');
var serve = require('koa-static');

var app = new Koa();


If Koa was more OOPsy, calling compress() and serve() would probably generate objects, but in functional programming we can capture local variables as state and return a function with access to those variables. This way, we are still applying the principle of Encapsulation, but without objects!

How would we use the Function Factory Function pattern in our own code? Suppose we are building a Single Page App (SPA) for the next version of Google Docs, and we want to prevent the user from navigating to another document if there are unsaved changes. If the router fired a beforetransition event, it would be nice if we could “lock” the page and make sure the user really wants to navigate away before allowing the transition. We could write a lock() Function Factory Function to tidy this up; here’s how we might use it:

var unlock = lock(ask => {
  if (checkUnsavedChanges() &&
      ask('You will lose changes!')) {

// ...once this page is no longer around
// and we need to clean up after ourselves:

The lock() function generates a new function called unlock() that can be invoked to stop watching for page transitions. This will be useful if the user navigates away from this document and this page needs to be deactivated.

Using lock() can tidy things up nicely: if the user attempts to navigate away from the document, we can check if there are any edits, and if there are we can ask() the user if they are okay with losing changes. If they are, we can discard those edits and move on.

We could implement the lock() function like this:

var $window = $(window);
var lock = cb => {
  var handler = event => {
    var abort = () => {

    var ask = message => {
      var okay = window.confirm(message);
      if (!okay) { abort(); }
      return okay;


  $window.on('beforetransition', handler);
  return () => {
    $'beforetransition', handler);

Whenever the user attempts to transition away from the document, we execute the callback and pass in a helper function called ask() to prompt the user. If the user cancels, we .preventDefault() on the event to cancel the transition.

It’s a nice micro API that can tidy up gnarly code elsewhere! This pattern is an elegant alternative to a class-oriented approach where we would attach state and the unlock method to an object. Incidentally, the lock() function is also an example of the next design pattern: the Triple Function Sandwich.

Triple Function Sandwich

Used Promises lately? You’re writing a Triple Function Sandwich!

var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  setTimeout(resolve, 1000);

promise.then(() => {
  console.log("It's been a second.");

Take a look at all the nested functions: we are invoking the Promise() function by passing it a function that will be invoked and passed yet another function resolve() as an argument. Usually you see this kind of code when a callback needs to be executed asynchronously, but that’s not the case for the Promise() function—it will immediately run the given callback:

var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

// => 1
// => 2
// => 3

So if the callback isn’t being run asynchronously, why the sandwich? Function sandwiches are a form of cooperative programming: they allow one function to cede control to another function (your callback), but provide a public API for modifying the calling function’s behavior.

We can use this pattern ourselves to create an async-friendly for-loop! Suppose we want to iterate over a list of numbers and print each one-by-one after waiting for a few seconds. Standard loops in JavaScript run as fast as they can, so to wait between iterations we will need to write our own iterate() function. Here’s how we would use it:

var list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
var promise = iterate(list, (curr, next, quit) => {
  if (curr < 3) {
    setTimeout(next, curr * 1000);
  } else {

promise.then(finished => {
  if (finished) {
    console.log('All done!');
  } else {
    console.log('Done, but exited early.');

// => 1
// => 2
// => 3
// => Done, but exited early.

This example will immediately print 1, then 1 second later it will print 2, 2 seconds later it will print 3 and quit() the loop, and 'Done, but exited early. will be printed. Our callback function receives three arguments to control the loop: curr which contains the current element of the list, next() which advances to the next iteration of the loop, and quit() which exits the loop prematurely.

The iterate() function itself returns a Promise that will resolve once it finishes iterating over the list. This Promise will resolve to true if the loop finished iterating over all the elements, or false if the quit() function was invoked to exit the loop early. Notice the Triple Function Sandwich is not as obvious: the sandwich starts with iterate(), the second argument is a function, and the second parameter of that function, next(), is also a function.

Despite this complex behavior, iterate() only takes a few lines of code to implement!

var iterate = (list, cb) => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    var counter = 0;
    var length = list.length;

    var quit = () => {

    var next = () => {
      if (counter < length) {
        cb(list[counter++], next, quit);
      } else {


iterate() initializes a counter variable, defines a few functions, then kicks off iteration by calling next(). Every time next() is invoked, it executes cb() and passes in the current element, next() itself, and the quit() function. If it has finished iterating, it resolves the overall Promise to true.

If we had written this same code in a more OOPsy style, it might look like:

var Iterator = function(list, cb) {
  this.list = list;
  this.cb = cb;
  this.counter = 0;
  this.length = list.length;
  this.promise = new Promise(
    resolve => { this.resolve = resolve; }
Iterator.prototype.quit = function() {
}; = function() {
  if (this.counter < this.length) {
  } else {
Iterator.prototype.start =;

var list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
var iterator = new Iterator(list, (curr) => {
  if (curr < 3) {
    setTimeout(() =>, curr * 1000);
  } else {

iterator.promise.then(finished => {
  if (finished) {
    console.log('All done!');
  } else {
    console.log('Done, but exited early.');

Looks a little clumsy in comparison. Both versions solve the same problem with a form of cooperative programming: the former by encoding state in local variables and “pushing” in a public API to the callback, and the latter by creating a special object with state and methods. Interestingly, this example shows that Encapsulation is not just an OOP principle—the functional approach also hides its state (local variables) and provides a public API for modifying that state.

The Triple Function Sandwich is not just for async programming! If you find yourself resorting to an object-oriented approach when you need to break down a function into several steps while preserving state, you might just try a bite of the Triple Function Sandwich. Both approaches provide encapsulation and solve cooperative programming problems, but the functional approach is a thing of beauty that does credit to JavaScript’s hidden elegance.

Interested in learning next-generation JavaScript for the web platform? Want to leverage functional patterns to build complex single-page Apps? Come to the Front-end Essentials bootcamp at one of our Ranches, or we can come to you with our corporate training!

The post JavaScript, make me a Triple Function Sandwich appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.

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A Brighter Day: Testing your Sunspot Searches, Unit-Style Mon, 29 Aug 2016 10:00:53 +0000 Every complex backend server eventually needs three things -- emails, workers and searching. At the Ranch, we like to whip out Solr for handling complex searches. Unfortunately, Solr can make testing frustrating -- it needs to be running in the background any time we run integration specs, but starting up Solr is slow. Is there a way to lazily load Solr only for the tests that need it?

The post A Brighter Day: Testing your Sunspot Searches, Unit-Style appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.


Every complex backend server eventually needs three things: emails, workers and searching. At the Ranch, we like to whip out Solr for handling complex searches. Unfortunately, Solr can make testing frustrating: it needs to be running in the background any time we run integration specs, but starting up Solr is slow. Is there a way to lazily load Solr only for the tests that need it?

Setting up Sunspot

Adding Solr searching to a Rails app is trivial thanks to the Sunspot gem:

# Gemfile
gem 'sunspot_rails'
gem 'sunspot_solr'
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rails generate sunspot_rails:install
$ bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start

With Sunspot set up, we can index fields on ActiveRecord models with the searchable helper:

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  searchable do
    text :name
    text :location
    time :created_at

That was easy! In keeping with good object-oriented design, we should create a new class to handle querying:

# app/models/search.rb
class Search
  attr_reader :query

  def initialize(query)
    @query = query

  def users do
      fulltext query
      order_by :created_at

Now we can search for users by name and location with a simple:'bob').users
=> [#<User id: 2, name: "Bob", location: "Boston">]

No sunshine for you

At the Ranch, we are firm believers in writing quality tests for our code. Unfortunately, adding test coverage to Sunspot searches is a bit tricky. The Sunspot docs note (correctly) that tests involving Solr are integration specs, but consequently discourage tests at all beyond a few Cucumber specs! “If you want to do it anyway,” the docs recommend running Solr inline as a child process.

This route has caused us much grief: managing child processes in Ruby is ugly, and the test code needs to know how to start Solr with the correct environment and schema. Can we do better? Is there a setup that will:

  • Allow us to test the Search class unit-style, not at the request level.
  • Not slow down any other tests.
  • Work well with guard.
  • Decouple our test suite from Solr.
  • Allow us to run the rspec command most of the time without starting up Solr.
  • Allow us to run a Solr daemon in the background for continuous TDD of search based tests.
  • Provide an easy way to run the entire test suite in one command.
  • Run in CI services such as TravisCI.

That’s a lot of requirements! Can we hit them all?

Adding tests

Let’s start off with tests first. We’ll write a few unit-style specs for the Search class:

# spec/models/search_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'

describe Search do
  subject(:search) { }

  let(:alice) { User.create(name: 'Alice', location: 'Anchorage') }
  let(:bob) { User.create(name: 'Bob', location: 'Boston') }
  let(:charlie) { User.create(name: 'Charlie', location: 'Chicago') }
  let(:users) { [alice, bob, charlie] }

  # Force user creation
  let!(:data) { users }

  describe 'searching for users' do
    subject(:results) { search.users }
    context 'when searching by location' do
      let(:query) { 'Chicago' }
      it { match_array [charlie] }

Looks great! Only one problem: running rspec spec/models/search_spec.rb won’t load Solr first. That’s no biggy, we’ll manually start it up with bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start RAILS_ENV=test

Now let’s run the Search class specs:

$ rspec spec/models/search_spec.rb

Finished in 0.37242 seconds (files took 1.29 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures

It passes! But it seems a bit unstable when we run the spec again. Sometimes we get:


  1) Search searching for users when searching by location should contain exactly #<User id: 3, name: "Charlie", location: "Chicago", created_at: "2016-07-25 15:59:40", updated_at: "2016-07-25 15:59:40">
     Failure/Error: it { match_array [charlie] }

       expected collection contained:  [#<User id: 3, name: "Charlie", location: "Chicago", created_at: "2016-07-25 15:59:40", updated_at: "2016-07-25 15:59:40">]
       actual collection contained:    []
       the missing elements were:      [#<User id: 3, name: "Charlie", location: "Chicago", created_at: "2016-07-25 15:59:40", updated_at: "2016-07-25 15:59:40">]
     # ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:18:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.07012 seconds (files took 1.13 seconds to load)
1 example, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:18 # Search searching for users when searching by location should contain exactly #<User id: 3, name: "Charlie", location: "Chicago", created_at: "2016-07-25 15:59:40", updated_at: "2016-07-25 15:59:40">

Hmm, sometimes this works, and sometimes it doesn’t. Solr needs time to index new records, so sometimes the new users aren’t indexed before a Solr search is executed. We need to wait until all pending records have been indexed, so let’s flush the index in a before block.

   # Force user creation
   let!(:data) { users }

+  before do
+    Sunspot.commit
+  end

   describe 'searching for users' do
     subject(:results) { search.users }
     context 'when searching by location' do

And with that, we have Sunspot tests passing 100% of the time! But we’ve multiplied our testing woes. First, the rest of our test suite is drastically slower since every database update triggers a Solr request. But search specs make up a tiny fraction of our test coverage: 97% of our code doesn’t need Sunspot!

We also have to launch Solr every time we want to run any ActiveRecord specs. This makes it irritating to run tests continuously with guard and may drive new team members crazy.

Lazy-loading Sunspot

Why can’t we just load Sunspot for the few specs that need it but disable it everywhere else? Let’s do just that! We’ll extend Sunspot with a stub/unstub method to enable/disable Sunspot’s ActiveRecord model hooks.

# spec/support/sunspot.rb
require 'open-uri'

module Sunspot
  def self.stub_session!
    ::Sunspot.session =

  def self.unstub_session!
    ::Sunspot.session = ::Sunspot.session.original_session

  def self.wait_for_solr
    return if @started

    print 'Waiting for Solr (run test suite with `bin/test`)'

    until solr_listening?
      print '.'
      sleep 0.1

    @started = true

  def self.solr_listening?
  rescue OpenURI::HTTPError
  rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED

Then, we’ll load up our extension in the rails_helper.rb. By default, we’ll stub out (disable) Sunspot in specs unless their metadata includes search.

# spec/rails_helper.rb
require 'sunspot/rails/spec_helper'
require_relative 'support/sunspot'

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.before(:each) do |example|
    ::Sunspot.unstub_session! if example.metadata[:search]

  config.after(:each) do |example|
    ::Sunspot.stub_session! if example.metadata[:search]


If we run rspec now, our specs run blazingly fast again. However, the Search class specs fail since Sunspot has been stubbed out to return an empty array when we ask for results. Not to worry: we can annotate our search specs with the search metadata attribute!

 require 'rails_helper'

-describe Search do
+describe Search, search: true do
   subject(:search) { }

Boom! Now our test suite runs as fast as possible without Solr and only connects when we come across the Search specs. So if we don’t want to start up Solr to test 97% of our other specs, no problem!

If we do run the whole test suite, the Search specs will kindly wait until Solr has started up, so we can start running the full test suite while Solr is loading (which can take 10–15 seconds). RSpec runs specs in a randomized order, so there’s a good chance Solr will have time to start up before a Search spec is executed.

One last thing: let’s make it easy for colleagues to run the test suite without any tricky details.

bin/test is a bash script that wraps around the rspec command (it even forwards arguments) that starts up Solr before running the test suite, then shuts it down afterwards:

bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start RAILS_ENV=test
bundle exec rspec "$@"
bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:stop RAILS_ENV=test
exit $code

We can even leverage this script in TravisCI!

# .travis.yml
  - bundle exec rake db:setup RAILS_ENV=test
  - bin/test

Now your search specs won’t cloud up the rest of your test suite!

Want the TL;DR version? Here’s a commit timeline of the changes.

The post A Brighter Day: Testing your Sunspot Searches, Unit-Style appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.

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Why I’m Still Working at Big Nerd Ranch Tue, 26 Jul 2016 10:00:53 +0000 It’s my third year working at Big Nerd Ranch as a developer and instructor. Inevitably, I have a lot of friends (and recruiters) asking me why I am still working here. It all boils down to two non-negotiable values—trust and kindness.

The post Why I’m Still Working at Big Nerd Ranch appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.


It’s my third year working at Big Nerd Ranch as a developer and instructor. Inevitably, I have a lot of friends (and recruiters) asking me why I am still working here.

I could tell you working at the Ranch is awesome because of the cool office, brilliant people, great projects and stellar bootcamps, but in reality it all boils down to two non-negotiable values: trust and kindness.

Bill Phillips

Trust powers every other benefit I love about the Ranch. Because we trust one another, we have perks like a remote-first, results-oriented environment that values the craft of communication and fosters kind, trustworthy people (down to our hiring policy).

Clash of the Coders winners

Other Atlanta tech companies offer ROWE, the option to work from home and higher salaries, but after a couple years these tacked-on benefits hold little appeal for more senior talent when they aren’t the logical outworking of company values. Working from home is no longer a perk if doing so endangers your career and damages your perceived productivity.

In contrast, my nerdy colleagues at the Ranch trust me to get things done and communicate expectations, and I trust them to do the same, regardless of our preferred work schedule or location. There are no micromanagers or implicit commitments delivered at a water cooler: we bias toward over-communication.

Staff breakfast

Because we value kindness, the Ranch is made of good listeners and communicators, so I don’t have to navigate company politics or tread lightly when it comes to difficult topics. Everyone is kind and supportive, so I feel comfortable (even obligated) being transparent about the good, the bad and the ugly.

We derive many other values from trust and kindness:

  • Bias toward action (or ownership). If something needs doing and doesn’t have an owner, help it find a home! Don’t just assume it’s someone else’s job.
  • Remove barriers to action. A new developer shouldn’t be blocked for 24 hours waiting for source code access. Trustworthy people can be trusted with the tools and access they need in order to take action.
  • Bias toward over-communication. Don’t make assumptions (like “My client knows I’ll be out of town in two weeks” or “It doesn’t need to run in Internet Explorer”). Clarifying expectations may be awkward, but it’s better than discovering you live in an alternate reality.
  • Bias toward fewer meetings. When you communicate well and frequently, there’s no need to “get work done” in meetings.
  • Strong opinions, weakly held. The brightest minds have strong convictions about the best framework/program/workflow, but are always ready to give it up for something better. Don’t be dogmatic.
  • Pop the why stack. “Why are we not billing for this work?” “Why do you need a new blogging platform?” Tasks often hide a giant Jenga tower of assumptions. It seems adversarial to challenge these assumptions, but asking good questions is the best yak-shaving antidote!
  • Assume positive intent. Give your colleagues and client the benefit of the doubt. Remember, you work with kind, trustworthy people!
  • Challenge the status quo. Just because it is this way, doesn’t mean it needs to stay that way. Don’t be afraid to break poor conventions in the codebase or to kindly challenge bad habits in the workplace (like Sludge).

As long as we continue to value trust and kindness, I know the Big Nerd Ranch will be my herd.

Are you interested in a work environment that values kind, trustworthy people? We have some openings right now!

Scott Ritchie teaching

The post Why I’m Still Working at Big Nerd Ranch appeared first on Big Nerd Ranch.

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